A Mind in Flow Edition #2
Anurag Batham
Currently writing about films, video games, and all... I have this problem of drawing parallels in my writing, which makes it, interestingly, cinematic...
It was a weird week for me; I had doubts if I would be able to get through it. But here I am, having survived that successfully. It all began with the death of someone; it was shocking. But then writing it out helped me; here's a friend link if you want to see it.
Anyway, welcome to The Mind in Flow Edition #2, where I share valuable stuff I come across.
A glimmering moment of realization
I always think, why do we do what we do? Why am I inclined towards journalism? I found this answer when I came across the concept of Neti Neti. It essentially means neither this nor that. I even made an Instagram post after the realization; check it out below.
Journalism is about being unbiased. You cannot lean left; you cannot lean right. Meaning? I shouldn't promote someone; I shouldn't demote someone. I must speak the truth. If someone's doing good, I'll be good. If someone's doing bad, I'll be bad. There's nothing in between. This final line comes from Eminem, so I'll share it next.
A quote from The Rap God
So, Baba Eminem says,
I say what I want to say and do what I want to do. There's no in between. People will either love you for it or hate you for it.
Here's a song to lift you up if you are feeling low
Best story I wrote this week
The Christmas week was full of trending topics, especially for the Christmas movies. I wrote about Die Hard, Red One, Wicked, and more. But then I wrote about Scar from Mufasa: The Lion King, and I am still getting chills hearing the song 'I Always Wanted A Brother' (Tears of joy ??)
Here's the song,
Here's the story of how Scar got his scar,
A movie you should see this weekend
You need to see this story pulled straight outta The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. You know, things aren't really what they appear. You'll understand that after watching it.
A suggestion for you
Start questioning things; don't be a part of the crowd. If you feel something doesn't fit right, then you are probably right. But you will never know until you raise a question.
So, there I conclude the second edition of A Mind in Flow. I won't tell you to comment on how you feel; instead, I will ask you to give me a shoutout alongside your learnings from this. Make me PHAMOUS (Evil laughter follows) Ha Ha HAHAHAHAHAHA) (does The Rock glare)
Alright, see ya later!
2 个月Is this what you are referring to? Neti-Neti is one of the oldest meditation techniques in the world. Through this process of intense introspection, we discover that we are not limited to our bodies, emotions, or minds, for our true nature is actually boundless and numinous. Source credit - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.amazon.in/Neti-Neti-Meditation-Transcendence-Through-Negation/dp/1494204630%23:~:text%3DNeti%252DNeti%2520is%2520one%2520of,is%2520actually%2520boundless%2520and%2520numinous.&ved=2ahUKEwj6oJn-ks2KAxV31jgGHQ1xMcgQFnoECBkQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2PDM6eQN9FKUxwAd1s1ojG