Myke James
Chief Executive Officer | Innovator in Strategic Business Growth & Marketing Solutions | Expert in Team Leadership & Operational Excellence | Visionary Entrepreneur | Driving Success at MITCHELLEFRANKLINE
Ironically sight and vision are predominantly what defines us, sight has a limit, and most times we are limited by what we see. By this I mean you can only see things at a nearby distance, and what if you have a bad sight as a result of any medical conditions or deformities. Which may require one to use medically prescribed devices.
But vision on the other hand is a mind eye that allows us to see beyond our current state of being, where we live, work, family etc.
Vision allows us to want to be extraordinary, live the extraordinary. I will like to use this example. I ask a guy one time can you see with your sight to the high way? he said no. I ask him. Why? he responded because I have limited views. But I can see the highway through my mind's eye.
The greatest message that has ever been preached is to always bring man to believing that without vision we perish. We perish don't mean we die physically, but we famish internally.
It is important to have the ability to think about and plan for the future with imagination and wisdom by developing the faculty of vision within you to envision a greater more prosperous for yourself.
Rosebeth Kanter wrote a vision is not a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.
I saw a documentary made during the 170s about a man who was blind yet could write, produced music, sing, and has a family of his own. In one of his interviews, he was asked by the interviewer how did you get to know that the woman you got married was beautiful. He responds. Even though I can't see her, but I saw her through my mind's eyes. They were a connection in the touch that gives a clue that she is beautiful.
Is it that wonderful that men and women with this kind of physical deformities have been able to conquer obstacles just be their ability to see through the hindsight?
Somehow the gift of sight isn't fairly distributed, some people are born with sight, some are born with maternal deformities, some lose it as they grow older in life, and some by accident.
On the other hand, vision is freely distributed it doesn't matter the circumstance that surrounds your birth. As far as you can see it will be given to you. And for us to see beyond where we are we have to deploy the mind's eye. Vision allows us to build faith over something we can't see, that we can get to where we have envisioned.