The Mind Exercise That Unlocks The Motivation You Need For Your Wellness.
Credit: Microsoft Designer

The Mind Exercise That Unlocks The Motivation You Need For Your Wellness.

We live in complex and dynamic times, and to thrive and flourish in these times, we must pay diligent and intentional attention to our wellness.

Finding the motivation to take action for wellness can be very challenging, especially for busy professionals.

In my diligent and intentional journey to building a lifestyle that supports ongoing wellness (across these six dimensions: emotional, occupational, physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual), I find that the results from action for wellness provide the most compelling motivation to keep taking action.

I kept taking action because I say my wellness actions produced results.

So, unlocking the endless pool of motivation you need for your quest for wellness begins and ends with doing.

You must be ready to do things that will set you on the path to wellness to become well and live well.

You can't achieve your wellness goals by hoping; it will only happen when you do.

That said, you need to start with doing the simplest things first.

Answer these questions to complete the first step in your quest to live well:

  • Why is wellness important to me right now? Is it about quality of life and (or) quantity of life?
  • What simple and repeatable actions can I start taking for my wellness right now?
  • How do I make taking these actions consistent? Who would hold me accountable?

Answering these questions will ensure that you have completed the most straightforward, manageable, and least stressful part of your wellness journey.

With your answers, you lay the critical foundation for a lifestyle that will support a lifelong wellness programme.

Your "why" provides the compelling reason you need to start your journey to wellness without any delay.

Your "what" provides the definite actions you need to start taking from today or tomorrow at the latest.

Your "how" provides the constraints you need to compel repeated action to begin and maintain your journey to wellness.

Since getting my answers to these questions, I've been unable to convince myself to sit out one session that would allow me to take one small action for my wellness.

By consistently taking action for my wellness (do well), I've become healthier (be well), and I am living my best life (live well) so far.

Your best life is within reach, and you don't have to start the journey with anything strenuous; this mind exercise is an excellent place to start. If you're sincere with yourself as you answer the questions, you'll have all you need to start and continue your journey to living well.

Very helpful!



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