Mind Engineering - Subconscious Behavioral Modification
Er Chong Yee (余忠義)
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Have you ever puzzled:-
- Why I didn't get what I want to get in life?
- Why did I give up on my dream so easily?
- Why can't I relax and calm?
- Am I happy now?
- Do I love myself?
- Where are my negative thoughts come from?
We all have questions. These questions may be important for you, or maybe not. It's all your own choice. However, the fact of life is, only when we find the answers our life start to shine as what we want it to be.
Do you always face unwanted dramas within your relationship with partners or people around you; in business and career; children; personal financial management?
Do you have symptoms such as stress, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, insomnia, anxiety, depressed, unhappy, lost, anger etc?
What stops you from reaching your goals and live the ideal life you want?
Our limitations are our creation. Breakthrough these limitations and reach your real potential is your responsibility. However, you may not know the way how you can handle these creations yet. That why we are talking to you about mind engineering which is an easy and effective technique to be in control of your consciousness and subconsciousness so that you can steer your life and reach your goals.
It is about Subconscious Behavioral Modification Program - SBMP.
In today's rapidly changing world, there is an increasing need for people to acquire the skill and ability to access their subconscious mind for behaviour modification and key decision making no matter what field you are in. Developing this skill will help you be more productive, better performance in your career and your personal life.
What do you get from SBMP?
- Identify - Identifying yourself can be of benefit to yourself in every aspect, even if you are not experiencing a problem. While it can seem like a hard thing to do, it is far easier with the steps and tools provided in the SBMP. Research by Professor Bruce Lipton shows that 95% of your life is coming from your subconscious mind that was programmed before you turned 7 years old. Having a sharp insight to see through your habitual behaviours, recognize unconscious reactions and modify them can give you re-born experience and therefore helps start making different outcome.
- Eliminate - Whether you are aware or not, your mind never stops running — you can not enjoy your meal because your mind is comparing it with the food it had yesterday, etc. Therefore, eliminating any unwanted reaction of the mind requires a very delicate procedure with detailed steps. Quietening the mind has always been a challenging task for you more than organizing it in a good manner. The answer is covered in SBMP and it is simple and easy to learn and implement. There is no one way to shut the mind down, most of the steps and procedures are presented in a more doable way so that realistic solutions are found. Every steps and exercise offered in SBMP is different and altered in the way it is needed. It is well structured yet flexible to apply to every situation you are dealing with.
- Re-Construct - Strong reconstruction skills are much needed to produce consistent action in efforts to create the desired reality. The last step of the SBMP is learning the skills of reconstructing your mind, allowing you to newly develop and produce any new thoughts. It is valuable to know how to do this and equally important is keeping track of your routine performance so that you are aware of the common mistakes people make after exercises. Developing these skills can be a powerful way to accelerate your career, happiness, success, etc.
It is always a decision need to make. If you are entirely happy with your current life, it is perfectly all right to stop here and leave this page. But if you want:-
- To free yourself from any limits.
- To have a breakthrough in your life.
- To live the fullest life for yourself.
- To achieve the real meaning of your life.
- To create happiness for your loved ones.
- To find happiness within yourself.
- To be able to manage your thoughts.
- To create a better reality for yourself, your family and the people around you.
- To get an answer to your ongoing questions.
- To improve into a better version of yourself and able to be more successful financially.
- To improve communication skill and deliver your messages more effectively.
- To understand yourself and others better.
- To learn the essential skill to live a calm and peaceful life.
- To equip yourself with the mind tools and techniques that you can apply to your real-life and operate it independently.
- To decide to improve and achieve what you want in life.
- To learn communication skill and being truly connected to people.
- To get rid of self-doubts and limiting thoughts.
Make a decision and take the initiative to contact me at +60193366066.