Mind Control

"Mind control," like "human experimentation," can be understood in two ways. It can refer to the efforts of an individual to control his or her own mind, or it can refer to the efforts of some to control the minds of others. That latter, "social" version is of course what evokes human revulsion.

Science-fiction novels, such as "The Puppet Masters" (1951) by Heinlein, "The Sirens of Titan" (1959) by Vonnegut and "A Clockwork Orange" (1962) by Burgess, depict a total control that leaves the victim helpless.

In voodoo, a similar possibility is noted. The zombie has no free will but is totally under the control of another.

Such extremes may exist, but today the expression usually refers to the various methods of behaviorist control and intimidation, in which only a relative or partial control is achieved or attempted.

Jose Delgado's "Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psycho-civilized Society" (1969) demonstrates the control of animal behavior through neuroscience. Delgado frankly denies the right of the individual to control his own behavior and makes it plain that the ultimate end of experiments such as his was the control of human behavior.

Since then, more than fifty years of experimentation have followed, most of it hidden from the public by the security protocols established by the Reagan and successor administrations. Non-consensual human experimentation has been routinely included in the onward march of science under government control.

It is not actually the mind that is controlled by neuroscience. The brain is directly assaulted, creating a virtual short circuit, enabling an external operator to interfere with an individual's self-control. It is not as sophisticated as it sounds. A baseball bat to the head has a similar effect. If the brain is damaged, the mind of the individual is incapable of normal exteriorization.

In addition to the use of neuroscience technologies that can be applied remotely, enabling the operators to remain hidden, a full spectrum of techniques of harassment can be directed at anyone unlucky enough to be targeted or put on a "watch" list. In addition to being watched, such persons are attacked 24/7, often in a petty fashion, through the destruction of everyday technologies, through V2K or voice-to-skull (a utilization of neuro-linguistic programming for harassment), through hacking, censorship, gaslighting and other means. The fact that V2K victims appear to the general public to be schizophrenic and are generally unable to provide sufficient evidence of what is being done to them isolates them further.

An eyeball of a victim can be moved remotely by an operator. Pain can be delivered remotely. The victim can be made to itch. These abilities might be of benefit for medical practice. In the hands of a secret police force they are toys for the amusement of sadists. They also provide the opportunity for further experiments, as the human guinea pig reacts to a variety of stimuli.

Remote neural monitoring is the most interesting new toy. Verbal thoughts have a sub-vocal character that can be read by a machine. The RNM is typically hooked up to V2K, creating an automated program that feeds continually on the victim's thoughts and memories.

None of this actually constitutes mind-control, but the victims can be forgiven for their mistake in naming.


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