Mind Conditioning 101: Work Stress & Pressure Busters
Everyone has, at some point, felt the pressure of work-related stress. Any job can have stressful elements, even if you love what you do. In the short-term, you may experience pressure to meet deadlines or to fulfill a challenging obligation. However, when work stress becomes chronic, it can be overwhelming and harmful to both physical and emotional health.
Work-related stress is inevitable. In fact, it's part of the reason why lots of us seek different jobs in the first place. Work-related stress is important to acknowledge because it can impact your health and well-being .
There are certain factors that go hand-in-hand with work-related stress. Some common workplace stressors identified by the American Psychological Association are:
However, you don't have to let your stress affect your performance. Here are some best practices that will make it easier for you to maintain a high level of productivity in your job.
The Best Practices To Reduce Work Stress And Pressure
Identify and reduce stressors - The American Psychological Association recommends keeping a journal for a week or two to record your responses to various situations. Record your thoughts, feelings and information about the environment and people involved. Did you raise your voice? Go for a walk? Taking notes can help you find patterns among your stressors and reactions to them.
Establish healthy boundaries -?Some professionals?may prefer to have little contact with their colleagues whereas others might prefer very active collaborations. Whatever your preference, try and set some clear guidelines for your work-life balance so you can enjoy what you do and still maintain a healthy personal life.
Take time to rest and recharge - To avoid the negative effects of chronic stress and burnout, it’s important to replenish and return to our pre-stress levels of functioning. The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation suggests a recovery process that requires “switching off” from work by having periods of time when you are neither engaging in work-related activities, nor thinking about work.
Have a good support system - Getting support from friends and family members can help you manage stress. Your employer may also have resources available through an employee assistance program, including online information, counseling, and referral options, if needed. At Alpha Iota, we ensure our team members are able to reach out and talk to their superiors about work stress and challenges regularly as having an open line of communication is vital in combating work stress.
If you continue to feel overwhelmed by work stress, you may want to talk to a psychologist about how to better manage stress and change unhealthy behavior.
Take back your power!
In reality, all jobs can be stressful. One of the best ways to cope and enjoy what you do is to look for a good work environment. Alpha Iota BPO is a very dynamic company with flexible working terms that allows its employees to have the work-life-balance they need to function well and have extra “me time” for errands, leisure activities and more.
We are currently hiring for a number of positions. Interested? Send us your resume to [email protected] and we will get in touch with you real soon!
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