Mind candy 19 September 2022
Ron Immink
I empower innovative, purpose driven companies by crafting compelling visions for the future. Make them more compelling for all stakeholders. Strategist, positive futurist, coach, advisor, mentor, author and speaker.
Mind-candy 19 September 2022
You can't predict the future, but you can make smart business decisions today by understanding the latest technology and business trends. Hence mind candy. Feel free to share your own mind candy. Leave a comment, and if you have a question,?feel free to ask.
From my information dashboard of 19 September
The topics to think about (and discuss in your company) are business thinking, addictive content, robot surgeons, twistrons, technology trends, decision intelligence, prediction methods and chaos research.
Don’t Believe Everything You Think
3 Reasons Why Business Thinking Is So Consistently Shoddy
Don’t Believe Everything You Think
The approaching tsunami of addictive AI-created content will overwhelm us
In the future there will be a premium on good, human-generated content and response, but that huge and growing amounts of the content that people watch and look at and read on content networks (“social networks” will become outdated) will be generated automatically
Structure-inflating construction tech could give 3D printing a run for its money
Along with homes, commercial buildings and infrastructure-related projects, other envisioned applications of the IFFF technology include swimming pool foundations, rapid-deploy military structures and perhaps even one day skyscrapers, or structures on Mars for use by astronauts.
Handing the surgeon’s scalpel to a robot
The truly autonomous robotic surgeon that the military may envision — just like truly driverless cars — may still be a long way off. And their biggest challenge may not be technological, but convincing people it’s OK to use them
New energy harvester produces electricity when repeatedly stretched
Researchers have made significant improvements to energy-harvesting yarns they invented called twistrons, which are made from carbon nanotubes and produce electricity when repeatedly stretched.
Top Technology Trends For 2021 and Beyond
A??lot of technology trends that can transform your business
Why Decision Intelligence Is The Next Digital Transformation
Decision intelligence (DI) is how people make business decisions, regardless of their role or industry. It bridges the gap between analytics-focused data and AI platforms.
Futurist prediction methods and accuracy
Which prediction techniques worked and which ones didn’t.
Chaos Researchers Can Now Predict Perilous Points of No Return
A custom-built machine learning algorithm can predict when a complex system is about to switch to a wildly different mode of behaviour.