Mind candy 10 October 2022
Ron Immink
I empower innovative, purpose driven companies by crafting compelling visions for the future. Make them more compelling for all stakeholders. Strategist, positive futurist, coach, advisor, mentor, author and speaker.
You can't predict the future, but you can make smart business decisions today by understanding the latest technology and business trends. Hence mind candy. Feel free to share your own mind candy. Leave a comment, and if you have a question,?feel free to ask.
From my dashboard of 10 October
?The topics to think about (and discuss in your company) are longtermism, the science of forecasting, management trends, ageing, unlearning, AI-powered prosthetics, fashion, innovation by acquisition, molten sand microreactors, AR tattoos, nano printing brain interfaces, parentech and chemistry (and life).
Tip:?Unlearn. Read?https://www.ronimmink.com/you-are-either-building-a-unlearning-organisation-or-youre-losing-to-someone-who-is/
Longtermism: The Future Is Vast—What Does This Mean for Our Own Life?
‘Longtermism’ is the idea that people who live in the future matter morally just as much as those of us who are alive today
From Nostradamus To Fukuyama
The science of forecasting is about how to abstract away all these problems and judge forecasters on the truth or falsehood of their statements
Past and Future Change Management Trends
Read the last paragraph. Read https://www.ronimmink.com/the-need-for-a-spiritual-revolution-in-leadership/
Do you think ageing can be reversed? Here are 12 longevity startups to watch
In 2021, about $1.9bn globally was invested in the longevity sector. The investments are growing.
Why Unlearning Is At Least As Important As Learning
Utah Bionic Leg: The most advanced AI-powered prosthetics ‘ever created’
Combining advanced technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, neural engineering with manufacturing, health services and patient care
Loewe’s stunning show made me dread the future
Giving us a taste of what it is like to actually inhabit the metaverse. The eerie thing about the metaverse is that we won’t exist entirely in a video game. Technology is already adding an artificial layer to the world we inhabit
The Perils of Innovation by Acquisition
Too many CEOs have fallen into the comfort zone of strategizing with bankers and external advisors, scheming about which company to buy — and neglecting to build their internal capacity for innovation.?
New nuclear reactors produce nuclear energy more safely, eliminate waste
A nuclear power plant produces 8000 times more power than fossil fuels and is environmentally friendly
What You Need To Know About Getting An AR Tattoo
Next-gen tattoos
Nanoprinting Electrodes For Customized Treatments Of Disease
Researchers have pioneered the CMU Array—a new type of microelectrode array for brain computer interface platforms
This AI-powered stroller can drive itself
Scientists Claim to Have Discovered the "Secret Ingredient for Building Life
Life and chemistry. You need to think about this.