Milspouses: How To Get LinkedIn Premium (aka How to Play Milspouse CandyLand)
Angie Drake
Chief Storyteller | Strategic Thinker | Intercultural Communication | Creative Solutions
As a military spouse for more than 28 years, I'm used to jumping through hoops. I shouldn't be surprised that at the end of my husband's career, the dreaded hoop appears one last time.
For the last couple of months, I've wanted to try out LinkedIn Premium. I've even started the process only to have the website that proves my eligibility for the program down for the count. It's Murphy's Law.
Today, I thought Murphy was on my side. Not only was I able to log into MySECO* using my DoD Login account, I successfully created a new login and new password for My SECO. For those of you who haven't done this yet, be warned - you will need both logins and both passwords each and every time you attempt to login to MySECO. It's a super secure website.
*MySECO is the Military Spouse Education and Counseling Opportunities Portal operated by Military One Source.
Next, I tried to find information about the LinkedIn Premium sign-up. Let me tell you that searching for the word LinkedIn on their website takes you to some wonderful articles about all that LinkedIn has to offer... but not one of them has the direct link you need. Nope, the easiest way to get to that link is to start over again. It's like playing CandyLand and going down the chute that sends you back to the beginning of the game.
To help save you time, click here to access the LinkedIn Premium for Milspouses.
So now, you've successfully logged in via DoD Login; you've created your MySECO account (including finding the all important number on your spouse's last set of orders), and you are ready to click that button to get that free year of LinkedIn Premium.
Not so fast. All military spouses need to have a 45 minute counseling session before they can get started. Because there are no other ways to learn how to best use LinkedIn Premium on the internet. (yes, that is snark)
Choice number one, schedule an appointment using the chat function. So I click and watch the chat circle spin and spin. Now I feel like I've fallen into a game of Twister. Where will the spinner land and what color circles will I need to touch to get through to win the game?
While that circle spins, I decide to use choice number two, call the 1-800-number. Miraculously, someone answers within two rings and I'm speaking to a very polite young man whose name I promptly forgot as he told me that he couldn't help me but knew who could. That didn't stop him from asking me half a dozen questions before connecting me with Michael.
Michael didn't sound very excited to have me on the phone. I think he felt that 28-year milspouse mojo oozing through the telephone line. He did ask me to call him Mike and then proceeded to tell me that no counseling sessions would be available until October 10th, a good three weeks down the road. For those of us in transition, planning three weeks ahead can be a nightmare. For myself, we will be on the road getting ready to cross the border from Colombia to Ecuador as we work on our business development in South America.
I decide to take a choice number three, sign up for an online webinar. I click the appropriate date, September 27, 2018 and the system tells me to Save and Continue. I click and nothing happens. Mike then tells me that their website doesn't work well with any Apple products. My hand hits my forehead and I thank Mike for his time, tell him to have a nice day, and hang up the phone. At this point, I am about ready to give up.
I stare at my computer screen and realize that the little chat bar window has stopped spinning! Barbara is waiting to solve all my problems. She's asking if I'm still around (which, let's face it, 15 minutes after clicking to chat, most of us would have given up and gone somewhere else). I let her know that I still need her help and proceed to explain all that has happened. Luckily, I had a great typing teacher in 8th grade so I can type a mean chat response pretty rapidly.
Barbara can do a little better than Michael. She can offer me a 45 minute counseling session on October 1, 2018. I will be in Bogotá, Colombia. But that's neither here nor there... she is really trying to help. She takes all my information to make sure my account is complete. I guess the first guy that took that information didn't put it in the computer? And she proceeds to tell me how to sign up for that webinar all over again. I start the process only to find that the system has kicked me out.
Down the chute again! I re-login twice, find the My Transition menu, and low and behold, I am actually registered for the webinar that I may or may not be able to access from South America. I thank Barbara for her help, she tells me to check for the confirmation email, asks me to fill out a survey, and says goodbye.
At the end of the game, I'm left with a lot of questions and no access to LinkedIn Premium at this point in time.
- Why do we make military spouses play these games?
- Why don't we trust that military spouses can already be professional, well-prepared, businesswomen ready to handle a LinkedIn Premium account without a lot of hand holding?
- Why can't we offer the support services some of us need without forcing all of us to jump through hoops?
- Last but not least, why is this process taking me hours when my husband signed up for his LinkedIn Premium in only 8 minutes? Let's face it, he probably needs that 45 minute counseling session far more than his spouse who has been navigating online networking for years.
If there is any chance you can get me out of this 45-minute counseling session (and save the poor counselor some grief), let me know! Otherwise, feel free to take your complaints to the appropriate chain-of-command. There is a slim chance you might help more of us win the game. Otherwise, it's all a crap shoot.
Update September 24, 2018 - This Saturday, I was contacted by a MySECO representative who wanted to help solve my problem. Today, I spoke with a very nice counselor who was able to get me set up in less than 8 minutes. I very much appreciate that this team was able to solve my problem... here's hoping that they can soon put in a better process that solves this for ALL milspouses. I'll be sure to write a follow-up in a few months to let other milspouse entrepreneurs know if LinkedIn Premium is worth the chase.
Career Counselor | Military Spouse and Veteran Advocate
1 个月What about reactivating it after each PCS?! Ugh.. it is not easy!
Marketing | Writing | Communication | Food-Allergy Mom | Military Spouse | Creative Problem-Solver and a Trailblazer
3 年It's 2022...still the same hurdles. I think I had an easier time last year getting it than this time around. 3 attempts and even did the self-paced training but nowhere to put the code that comes with my certificate. It's funny because what you are saying here is exactly my experience this time around. It really is a game of Chutes and Ladders. Hours have passed and I'm still without a LinkedIn Premium account. I'm about to throw in the towel and just pay for the damn thing myself.
Manager Mobile MRI | Novant Health - GCM Mobiles
4 年I found this thread through google as I was trying to navigate the still very convoluted process of accessing the free premium membership.?Just in case this helps anyone else who stumbles upon this old thread, here is how I found my way through.?After setting up MY SECO account, I logged in and clicked on my name which opens a dropdown menu.?From the dropdown menu I selected MY TRANSITION.?In the next window I chose the third option (Self-Paced Training).?The course catalog will take you to MIL LIFE LEARNING.?You will have to establish an account if you do not already have one.?Once you log in to MIL LIFE LEARNING select the LINKEDIN category and the select the “LinkedIn Premium: Access Training for Military Spouses” class.?Once you complete the 20-minute class the certificate will have the code you need to go back to MY TRANSITION at the MY SECO site and complete the form for your free premium membership. The ID.ME route is only for the active/retiree member which is why spouses will be told they are ineligible.? Hope this helps! Good Luck!??
5 年Just went through this painful process. Wow, what a mess. I have three masters degrees and none of them prepared me for that.