£Millions Owed to Insurers, Hauliers and Fleets
The Kier Claims Con – state enabled exaggeration and fraud on an industrial scale.
If you negligently cause damage to the strategic road network (SRN), expect a bill for the attendance, repairs and administration costs. But are the charges ‘reasonable’, accurate or appropriate? The answer is almost certainly ‘NO’ in each of the 1,000’s of claim invoices presented by Kier Highways since 07/2014!
Following a collision, fire or fuel spill causing damage, various costs arise, for example:
- attendance
- initial clear-up
- planning repair
- traffic management
- materials
- repair
- disposal of debris
- admin’
The above give rise to costs which understandably the Authority (Highways England) or contractor wishes to recover from the at-fault party or their insurer.
To remind you of the environment, with regard to ASC’s (contracts now being phased out), since 2012, who pursued a driver, fleet, haulier or their insurer (Third Parties) for the repair cost following DCP (damage to Crown property) was generally dictated by the attendance, repair and admin’ cost total:
- above £10,000 – Kier Highways billed Highways England who sought recovery from the Third Party usually, their insurer
- below £10,000 – Kier received nothing from Highway England and had to pursue the at-fault party themselves
Third Parties will be less aware that in some Areas Highways England and Kier agreed on a mechanism for billing Third Parties, an equation by which a Third Party will be charged ‘no more than’ but:
- the process was kept secret
- the methodology never complied with
- the Authority failed to enforce it and ignores our alerts/requests to have Kier comply
The process is simple but from day-one (07/2014) Kier failed to comply with the methodology and Highways England. Read more about the process that should be applied here.