Millionaire Mindset Tips
Millionaire Mindset Tips.
I have had the great pleasure of interviewing well over 100 millionaires from all around the world. From a diverse range of backgrounds and industries they all without exception share a lot of traits I can't wait to share with you in my monthly newsletter!
The first millionaire mindset hack I'd like to share with you is this.
They ALL without exception want the quickest most efficient way of doing something. Saving time is very high up the agenda for them. Patience isn't something that is easily accepted by many.
Isn't it funny when we look at our children or even at our younger selves. They/we would always choose the quickest option but yet over years this is knocked out of us by often over engineered systems and processes at school/work.. Whilst important they can slow things down. Speed and efficiency is crucial in absolutely everything all the millionaires I interviewed told me.
This point is worth reflecting on. Some of my clients have and are in close proximity to global giants such as Tony Robins, Richard Branson, Jack Canfield, Dr Greg Reid, Gary See, Grant Cardone etc.
Successful millionaires deal in 'facts' . Is it or isn't it. What I found is that they DON'T deal in 'opinions'. Everyone has one I was reminded by a close confidant of Jack Canfield. Dealing in facts speeds things up. Making decisions based on facts is much more efficient and more likely to have a successful outcome.
Another dominant theme to come from my interviews was this. Make decisions quickly , change them slowly. Now think about that for a second. All of the millionaires I interviewed do their due diligence and a risk and reward analysis and then they decide quickly. They do not let things drag on. Once they have made a decision on something it's full steam ahead. They are a lot slower at reversing that process as often persistence is required to reach a particular goal.
It is said it is better to fail fast. It is better if you are going to 'fail' fail as efficiently as possible with minimal damage. To do this you take your time but not too much time making decisions of change. Often it is change the plan not the goal.
Super successful people in the most part LOVE collaboration. They recognise that individually you can do a lot but together we can achieve more and quicker. In fact one of the quickest ways to scale a business is collaboration and joint ventures. One of the tasks I was given by one of the super successful entrepreneurs was for the next 30 days , think of one person I would love to collaborate and why and then set about building a relationship with that same person.
I will reveal another mindset tip from super successful millionaires next month. If you want to reach out and explore synergies with myself and how I can add value for you feel free to book your discovery call via the link below. I specialise in making sure ambitious entrepreneurs are seen , heard and very visible.