A million words. Done!
There is a somewhat controversial saying in the author community that you cannot write a truly good book until you have a million words under your belt.
At the end of 2020, I crossed that millionth mark. This is not a brag by any means, as I know a few veteran authors who write a million words a year. I'm just starting out, and still have far to go.
I probably already had a million words in risk management white papers, project reports, program frameworks, university thesis et al collecting dust somewhere, but they don’t count.
I’m tremendously grateful to have discovered my creative vein and followed this new route where I get to write stories I enjoy. Stories that inspire and empower.
To have all these books finished is a huge milestone for me, one I couldn’t fathom in 2017 when I embarked on this writing adventure.
What I didn’t expect was to connect with so many wonderful people from all over the world on this journey.
From my lovely readers to my fellow author colleagues to my amazing international team of editors, formatters, designers, videographers, and assistants who brought even more joy to my work.
More than completing a book, I get excited to receive a note, a message, a word from a reader who say they’ve read my work and would like to connect, to discuss, or just say hello. This gives me a jolt of energy like no other. Thank you, dear readers and friends, for everything.
I’ve just finished my seventh novel, the first in a brand new murder mystery series and hope to write at least 4-5 books (6 if I can manage it) in that series in 2021.
It feels great to end 2020 on this note.
Yes, 2020 has been an interesting year, a challenging one for many around the world. But I’m optimistic. 2020 gave us many lessons. And now, I believe 2021 will ring in a brighter, healthier and happier future for us all.
Hope your New Year will be filled with adventure, excitement, and joy and for your all dreams to come true.
Attempt the audacious. Always persevere. Never give up. And never, ever ignore that small voice in your gut that tells you to follow your passions.
Happy New Year to all!
#books #writing #author #writer #amwriting #amplotting #thrillers #mysteries #mystery #suspense #thrillerbooks #mysterybooks #internationalthrillers #fiction #nonfiction #empowerment #passion #joy #fun #NewYear #bookawards #literaryawards #Amazonbestsellers #bookstargram #RedHeeledRebels #RebelDivas #TikiriHerath #2021