Millions of kids are facing food/nutrition problem. It shows Ego/Egoism/Egotism/War Mongering/ Warfare is given more importance than Welfare.
Dr. Aashish Manohar (For Values with TEDx Sustainable Dreams)
Gratitude towards 528.432786 Million humans of 205 Nations who Liked the Idea of Solution Master, to Achieve Sustainable Goals on Mother Earth and on Moon, Mars & Beyond, wherever humans as supreme beings live in future.
Millions of kids are facing food/nutrition problem. It shows Ego/Egoism/Egotism/War Mongering/ Warfare is given more importance than Welfare.
#SustainableDevelopment #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #MDG #GlobalGoals #Agenda21
SDG 2: #ZeroHunger:
1.???? We have planned the SDG well but, still, 3 Billion people across the globe are facing the food insecurity, as per the UN Stats. Shame on humanity, how can we enjoy life when one third of the global population is facing this problem?
2.???? Already said, “If wars continue then in place of 600 million almost 1 Billion i.e. 1000 million humans will face Hunger Catastrophe in 2030 AD/CE. Shame on us.
3.???? Almost 150 million children are facing nutrition problem and still people keep quarrelling it shows Ego/Egoism/Egotism/War Mongering/ Warfare is given more importance than Welfare/Living Together/Sustainability. Shame on human civilisation.
4.???? Humans are wasting food so much so that almost 50 million people can be fed per year. Shame on human civilisation.
5.???? Because of wars and human created famine and environmental catastrophe food grains are either destroyed or have been stuck in the Logistics and Supply Chain roadblocks and in place of finding Solutions more complications are created by humans. Shame on humans.
1.???? Already saying since last 40 years, “If 100 years war between England and France is possible then why not 100 years peace among the nations and investing time, money and resources on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond and aching Sustainable Goals wherever humans may go?â€
2.???? Why nations invest in the Warfare but not in the Welfare, Food security, Education and Healthcare and other SDG.
3.???? Investment of time and resources of humans is more important than destroying each other.
No more Business Consultant (Always looking for challenging assignments ) at times deliberate ( proximate social issues in particular) upon on own
11 个月It is a bigger game than what you think. Not powerful nations but a powerful nexus has played it. Remember, Kans didn't want any of Devaki children to remain alive.
DER BUNTE VOGEL ?? Internationaler Wissenstransfer - Influencerin bei Corporate Influencer Club | Wirtschaftswissenschaften Universit?t Münster
11 个月Thank you Dr. Ashish Manohar (For Values with TEDx Sustainable Dreams)