Million Dollar Consultant/Coach
Ann Carden -Business Growth Consultant & Marketing and Sales Strategist

Million Dollar Consultant/Coach

Is it possible to make a MILLION DOLLARS a year as a CONSULTANT/COACH working ONLY 19 hours a week with about 96% profit and zero to little ad spend and team? Yes!


Yesterday I worked with a consultant/coach who invested in a VIP INTENSIVE 1/2 DAY with me because she has been stuck in her business for six months.


She reached out for my help when she saw a recent social media post about coaches and consultants getting stuck, frustrated, and tired of not making the money they want or having a business they love.


She knew something was off with what she was being taught to do, but she kept pushing to make things happen.


She was having some success, but not at the level she really wanted,




She wasn't loving her business.


This client is brilliant and a go-getter. She just needed the right pieces to build her dream consulting/coaching business.


She needed...


  • Clarity around choosing the right niche and a deeper understanding of her perfect ideal clients


  • Her offers were off, and she was drastically undervaluing herself and charging too little (what she was being taught.)


  • Her marketing positioning, message, and strategy were completely wrong and were bringing in the wrong clients.


  • She wasn't going to be able to make the money she wanted with the way she was being taught to build her business.


  • She wasn't working or leveraging her expertise and experience and was trying to build her business in a way that wasn't working well, and she wasn't excited about it.


Long story short,


She has been trying to follow someone else's program versus developing her own to leverage her expertise, experience, and knowledge.


This happens far too often with many who come into the coaching and consulting industry.


It happened to me too.


I went down many rabbit holes and wasted a sooooo much money and time. I finally had to develop my own process to help others do what I can do.


By the end of our session, she was energized and very excited. She knew what we put together was perfect for her. I was also energized and excited!


I can't wait for her to build her million-dollar consulting/coaching business, working part-time.




If you feel something is off, it most likely is.


If something is not working, there's a reason.


How long will you keep pushing when things could flow more naturally and help you reach higher levels faster?


Here is exactly what I did with my client!!


  • I first identified what wasn't working.
  • We restructured her business model to make the money she wants.

We developed two high-ticket offers by...

Mapping out her proprietary 5-Step Process (High-Ticket Offer) that her ideal clients will find irresistible.

A 1:1offer @ $42,000 a client (working with them 3-4 hours a month.)


A Mastermind Offer @ $18,000 a person working with them a few hours a month with JV partnerships to fill them.

  • .We then chose the right niche for her expertise and offers.
  • We developed her new marketing message and online strategy (using LinkedIn) to position her as the expert she is and to reach her perfect clients with ease.




19 hours a week is all she will work with clients when she is completely full, and it will be a million-dollar business with probably zero or little ad spend.


If you have experience, skills, knowledge, and expertise to help others, but you have felt frustrated and stuck, let's talk about fixing your business, so you can fly!!


Message me now, and let's talk to see if it would be a fit for us to work together or you can book a call with me @


