The Million Dollar Coffee Bag
Have you ever made a million dollars??
If you haven’t, that's ok because most people haven’t. And even though I don’t have a million dollars in the bank right now, I’ve definitely felt what it was like to be a millionaire.?
Now before we get into that, there’s something you need to know about a kid I once knew. So I’m going to share a story with you first. Because in order to understand my previous comment, you have to understand the lesson this kid gave me...?
The kid sighed as he stared at his accounting textbook one late afternoon. The boredom was killing him because he was studying for his final, which was the following week. As he studied in his dorm, his roommate suddenly burst into the room with groceries in his hands. The kid noticed that he had a mischievous grin on his face and he immediately felt uneasy.?
His roommate slammed a coffee bag in front of him.?
Now the kid was so confused because neither his roommate nor he drank coffee. As he looked at the bag confused his roommate said, “You’ve been learning about marketing and sales this whole semester, right?” The kid, still confused about where this was going replied, “Uhh…yeah?”?
“Well, you’re going to sell that coffee bag.” Continued his roommate.?
Immediately, many excuses started pouring in from the kid. “No one is going to buy that coffee bag.” “They have Starbucks on campus, why would they buy coffee from a stranger?” “People only want cold beverages nowadays.”?
Before the excuses could even finish,?
The next thing he knew he was outside in the hall after his roommate had slammed the door behind him.?
“Don’t come back until you've sold that coffee!” Shouted his roommate from the other side of the door.?
The kid naturally reached for his keys…only to realize that he didn't have them on him. At this moment, the kid hit panic mode.?
See, what you have to understand about this is that he was painfully introverted. He was that kid in the classroom that you wouldn't notice. The kid that would spend time in his room all alone, leaving one wondering, does he even eat? He would've been labeled the “loser.”?
Can you imagine what that must have been like, shackled to operating like this for years??
Dealing with that constant fear of strangers…
So he could feel his sweaty palms as he tried to hold the coffee bag. His face was getting really hot and he really had the urge to throw up.?
As he stumbled over to the elevator, he prayed for a fire alarm, earthquake, or malfunction of the elevator to save him.?
He waited for some major disruptive event to prevent the whirring of the elevator as it drew closer.?
Relief hit him. There was no one there.?
In the elevator, he pumped himself up by jumping up and down. He started practicing the pitch that he made on the spot and started feeling barely confident. He thought to himself, “The first person I see is going to say yes to me!”?
Then the elevator doors opened…