Milliken Minute: July 2024

Milliken Minute: July 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of Milliken Minute, your go-to source for an overview of this month's significant developments at Milliken. We are excited to share our progress, celebrate our achievements, and keep you informed about the innovative strides we are making across our global operations. In this issue, we celebrate milestones, share valuable insights, and highlight our ongoing commitment to safety and innovation.

Ralph Gillespie Returns to the Gillespie Plant for a Special Visit

On June 29, 1989, textile leader Ralph Gillespie retired from the Milliken plant in Union, S.C. During a special ceremony, Roger Milliken announced a new name for the facility — the Gillespie Plant. Last month, now-95-year-old Ralph visited and toured the plant with family.

Great Meeting Preparation and Planning

We've all experienced meetings that felt like a waste of time. In his latest blog post, Bill Kelsey, from Milliken Performance Solutions shares a 7-step method to ensure your meetings are productive and purposeful. From defining the meeting's purpose and desired outcomes to considering practical concerns and potential pitfalls, this guide will help you make the most of your team's time. Read the full blog to discover how to lead efficient and effective meetings. Click here!

Milliken Shanghai's 2024 Environment, Health, and Safety Day: A Commitment to a Safer Workplace

Safety is more than a promise, it's a commitment to doing the right thing. From our associates to our products, we are committed to safety. Our Shanghai office hosted an Environment, Health, and Safety event. Highlights included comprehensive office and fire safety training, an emergency evacuation drill, and engaging orienteering tasks. Participants learned how to respond to emergencies, use fire extinguishers correctly, and deepened their awareness of environmental health and safety.

Andrew J. Vecchione

Global CEO and Equity Partner

4 个月

Congrats to Ralph Gillespie. A great leader and innovator.

Douglas McMullen

Prime Textile Consulting LLC

4 个月

So happy to see Ralph Gillespie, one of the finest leader and gentleman I have ever worked with! Live longer and prosper Ralph!

Brett Guarino

Director of National accounts at The Hammock Source

4 个月



