Millie Rose Evictions- Past Due: 17111 Patty's Place (C) 2024 wdlewisSR

Millie Rose Evictions- Past Due: 17111 Patty's Place (C) 2024 wdlewisSR

  • Millie Rose Evictions- Past Due: 17111 Patty’s Place
  • Summary for Sgt. Harold Pinkston, Airforce Rtrd.
  • Due Amount: $2400.00
  • Notes: Due for June & July
  • Pays by check
  • Gets paid on the 1st and the 15th of the month.
  • Pets: 2 Rotweillers
  • Tenant: 10 years; always pay on time;

Cole and Sarah’s approach to getting past-due tenants to get caught up on their rent was not by the book. But then again, working for Millie Rose, what was?

Today, Sarah was going to play the “bad cop” while Cole played the “good cop”. In the short time that Sarah joined Millie’s New Orleans Parish office, she had learned how to play off Cole well enough to know the routine of getting tenants to pay their past-due rent.

It would be great practice for her today as this tenant, Sgt. Pinkston was just over a month behind, so there would be no need to go deep with any threats of evictions.

“Those people here!” There was an apparent communication system among the tenants, especially the kids.? “If ya late, don’t open that gate!” It was a cute way the kids in the courtyard had devised to help tenants avoid the landlord.

“Knock-knock-knock!” As Sarah knocked, she looked around at the neighbors and kids, many of them waiting to see what was getting ready to happen.

“You knock like a girl!” Cole whispered as he raised his hand to knock harder on the door. It was too late.

“Whatever you two are selling, I ain’t buyin’.” Sgt. Pinkston had already opened the door and was getting ready to close it just as quickly when Sarah spoke up.

“We are not selling anything, Sgt. Pinkston,” Sarah put on a slight smile but held a firm look as they both locked eyes. “We are here to collect the past-due amount of the rent.”

Sgt. Pinkston had almost closed the door when he flung it back open. "What did you say?" He stepped into the doorway looking only at Sarah. “I paid my rent! You two better get away from here!”

“Do you have your receipt?” Cole asked as he looked down and saw two friendly-looking Rottweilers panting at either side of the waste of their owner. Sgt. Pinkston seemed to give a hand signal directing the two dogs to sit. “We don’t seem to have a record of that payment, sir, could you oblige us with a copy?”

Cole pulled out his business card and nudged Sarah to do the same.

“This seems like an internal problem,” Sgt. Pinkston said, looking directly at Cole. He then looked at both of their cards. “If you ask me real nice, I can get that receipt for you. But you two come in here like you gonna take my home, I don’t have to give you a damn thing!”

“We’re sorry, Sgt. Pinkston,” Sarah said apologetically, taking his attention off of Cole. “We have had a problem with our system. We know that you have never been late, so, we apologize if we came across a little too strong.”

“Millie knows me,” the tenant went on. “She knows I pay my rent on time. I thought it was interesting that Mr. Randall came out for himself.”

Sarah and Cole looked at each other in stark surprise.

“’ Mr. Randall?’” Sarah was the first to confirm what Pinkston said. “When?”

“You two seem as surprised as I was when he came by a couple of weeks ago.” Pinkston’s concern was beginning to show. “Let me go get that receipt. I hope nothing funny is going on, I can’t pay two months’ worth of rent. I’m on a limited income, ya know.”

“We’re sure it was just a mistake, Sgt. Pinkston,” Cole said looking at Sarah as she stepped away from the unit to call Millie.

“Here it is.” He showed Cole a handwritten receipt.

“Yeah, that looks legitimate. Do you mind if I take a picture of it?” Cole asked.

“Not at all,” he gave it to Cole who took a picture with his phone.

“Please have Miss Millie call me right away,” Sarah said as she joined the two men. She had called Lonnie at the office since Millie was not answering her phone.

“Sgt. Pinkston?” Sarah stepped up a little closer to him as Cole handed back his receipt. “Did Mr. Randall say or do anything odd when he took your payment?”

“All I thought was that he was extra friendly,” he answered. “I hadn't seen him in years. I thought he was dead. I didn't want to say anything wrong, especially since the man was right there, big as life."

"We understand, sir," Sarah acknowledged.

"He wasn’t one to engage in chit-chat the few times that he had come out here. It was like it was beneath him or something. But you didn’t hear that from me. I like to keep to myself, me and Bullets, my dogs.” He petted both dogs who enjoyed hearing their names as they both rubbed up against him.

“Was he with anyone?” Cole asked.

“I don't remember!” Sgt. Pinkston began to back into the unit. “Look, you guys have asked too many questions. I paid my rent. I don’t know what’s going on, but don’t involve me!” He quickly closed the door.

“We need to check to see how big a problem this is,” Sarah suggested as they walked back through the courtyard.

“Do we have any other units in here?” Cole asked as he pulled out the past-due accounts.

Sarah snapped her finger, as she suddenly realized something.

“There is a method to what Randall is doing. He is not going after those who are past due, he is going after those who have never been late!”

“Why do you think that is?” Cole asked curiously.

“Why not? He wants to create chaos for Miss Millie.”

“Why now, do you think?”

“Why not now, Cole?” Walking ahead of Cole towards the driver’s side of the van.

“Why do you get to drive?” Cole asked.

“I just solved the case, I drive!”

“I didn’t know that that was a thing, but you can drive all the time as far as I’m concerned. Just one thing,” Cole warned.

“What’s that?”

“You put the gas in, too.”

“No problem, I don’t need a man to put gas in a car for me!”


Disclaimer: This story is fictional. Any similarity to any person or persons, or events past or present, is strictly coincidental. If you are facing eviction, consult with an attorney.






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