MILLIE ROSE EVICTIONS-Incoming Call (C) 2024 W. D. Lewis
Questions to consider for this edition:
1. Would you answer a late-night call from Millie Rose when you are finally home with your lover, given that both of you have very demanding schedules?
2. Would you give up your job as a news reporter to be a campaign manager for a suspect in several murder cases?
3. Do you put your phone on DND after you go to bed?
News reporter Leslie-Jean and her lover, Detective Sgt. Hakeem Morris's relationship gets tested when a late-night call to their apartment tests their commitment to each other and their jobs.
In this week's upcoming newsletter of Millie Rose Evictions, Millie Rose's unwelcoming, late-night call attempts to pressure Leslie-Jean to be her campaign manager in a run for City Council in New Orleans Parish.
Subscribe to Millie Rose Evictions Newsletters to see how these two lovers weigh the importance of their jobs and their relationship when it comes to keeping Millie Rose at bay or appeased.