Are Millennials a Socially Awkward Generation?
By: Elwood Watson
Are millennials (1980-1998) a socially dysfunctional group of men and women?
According to many consultants, employers, professors, pundits and other purveyors of the culture, the answer is yes. From newspapers, magazines and websites, to other forms of media, the dilemmas facing millennials (Generation Y) are frequently front and center news. All one has to do is click a button and you are likely to find an article or several chronicling the plight of these group of young people.
While I am ambivalent about making generalizations about any group of people, some of the more common characteristics attributed to millennials seem to have some merit. That is, they:
Lack social skills.
While this trait can be true of people of any generation, I have to admit that I have seen more than a few young men and women of this age group conduct themselves in situations that are painfully awkward and troubling. They engage in behavior that previous generations would consider weird or outright rude. What older groups of Americans would find odd or outright offensive often appears totally normal to many millennials.
Are often unable to interact directly with other human beings.
HBO host, comedian and cultural critic Bill Maher said it best: “This is a generation who has lived their entire lives through a screen.” I often wonder if texting or communicating with apps became obsolete what would some of these individuals do. As a college professor, I see this inability to converse directly with other human beings. In fact, I have seen students on campus walking next to one another texting as opposed to speaking to one another. When I first encountered this behavior my initial response was, “Wow.” Now I am unfazed by witnessing such a spectacle. Sad to say I have seen this sort of behavior all too often to know that it is not an isolated incident.
Terrified of directly confronting problems or fears.
This is really not all that surprising given the lack of social interaction many of these kids have had. This sort of psychological encapsulation has manifested itself in many ways, as we see the growing number of mass shootings by young men such as Adam Lanza, Elliot Rodger, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and others. We see less brutal forms of this sort of irrational behavior in the sudden and growing demands for trigger warnings by some students on class syllabi who are terrified of being exposed to material or arguments they may deem as being possibly harmful to their psyche and emotional well-being.
Have been too sheltered.
While any reasonable and attentive parent is going to be protective and look out for the best interests of their children, especially when their kids are in their formative years, the plethora of helicopter and snowplow parents of this generation has created a population of young people (not all) who have reached legal age and are often unable to cope with the responsibilities that come with adulthood. College-aged men and women frantically calling their parents and asking them what to eat for dinner. Parents contacting professors about their child’s grade on a paper more than once, etc. Yes, I have been witness to such behavior that is a new phenomenon that was largely absent in previous generations. It is also a form of overprotective paternalism that does not bode well for young adults of this generation. Their decision-making and parenting skills (those that have children) are likely going to leave a lot to be desired.
Possess an “everyone wins” mentality.
From the time they were in kindergarten this has been a generation that has been indoctrinated with the philosophy that they are special. Just making any amount of effort is sufficient. They are entitled to be rewarded for their performance no matter how mediocre or subpar. Trophies and medals are given to everyone. Not winning is a foreign concept. The reality is that many millennials will get a rude awakening that life (at least some aspects of it) is indeed a competition and that, in the real world, not everyone is going to be rewarded for the sake of effort.
While these behaviors do not apply to all millennials or perhaps even the majority, the fact is that some of traits do apply to more than a few members of this group. Yes, there were young people in previous generations who could be faulted for possessing similar complicated attitudes and outlooks. That being said, the level of narcissism, social dysfunction, to some degree, and ineptitude inherent among the 80 million Americans who inhabit this age demographic is alarming.
This is a drastic situation that must change.
Otherwise, the nation may begin to encounter a group of men and women that can be referred to as “the lost generation.” Let’s hope that this is not the case.
Principal Electrical Engineer at Raytheon Technologies
7 年Wow. Being a Millennial myself, you could not be more spot on. All I have to say is PUT THE PHONE DOWN. Tech is great but... I honestly don't see the attraction to being on the internet or a cell phone all day, especially at a restaurant with someone right in front of you, which is just weird and horribly rude (don't pretend it's not). Or texting instead of calling friends or loved ones (though sometimes, it is the better form of communication). Or doing nothing but watch TV (Hulu,Netflix,Prime) when you get home from work. If one puts limits on all of these things, there are hours of free time left over every single day; what if instead of watching TV for three hours, you did one hour of guitar, one hour of career studying, 30 minutes of TV, and 30 minutes of exercise. It's so simple. 6 months later, you can be extremely talented at a certain skill. For me and my interactions in college and even today, I don't find myself meeting many people my age with a strong and adventurous attitude. In fact, it's funny; people/friends will call and ask me to desperately teach them a skill, such as signal integrity. Keep in mind that these people don't have kids or a wife/husband or 2nd job. I tell them exactly where to start, what to do, and tell them to ask tons and tons of questions. Two weeks pass after the phone call, no call back. No email from them. I call them back. "Hey! Have you started that reading assignment yet?" Answer: "Not yet. I've been busy working..." This has happened at least three to four times. I work almost 10-12 hours a day. I get 8 hours of sleep a night. That still leaves me with four hours minimum minus overhead. If there's something I actually want to do, I'm going to make at least some time for it. In sum, I see that there is more of "I like the idea of being like/having/doing this" than "I really like this and am going to discipline myself to achieve this goal." Essentially, laziness and lack of commitment. As for all of the trigger warnings and no such thing as losing shenanigans... give me a break. That kind of stuff will not save you when you're in real danger and it also won't pay the bills. Worst part of it all, it seems like people, authorities, and colleges feed and nurture that kind of asinine behavior. It's annoying for me, because I still have a long life time ahead of me, and therefore will have to deal with this and it's evolution. Unfortunately, I have a strong hunch saying it's going to get worse and I'll have to put up with it more and more. But, life goes on and I'm not going to let it or anything else bring me down or ruin my day(s). I honestly feel the social and behavioral norms of the millennial generation are quite sad, pathetic, and plain boring! So! My solution is to do the opposite; limit the tech from non-work life, call and/or spend real quality time with friends and loved ones, don't take anything for granted, work hard, discipline yourself, respect elders, and, most importantly, don't be a whiny, rude, and irresponsible child in an adult sized body.