Millennials: The Most Unhealthy Generation At Work

Millennials: The Most Unhealthy Generation At Work

By Ashley Stahl, Originally Published in Forbes

Millennials (born 1980-2000) are the largest and most educated generation. But, they are also the most unhealthy.

Despite the fact that many Millennials are all about their yoga boutique trends, green juices, and meditation memberships, they are in worse health than their older counterparts, Generation-X (born 1965-19790).??

The wellness trend isn’t translating into actually being healthy, according to research.

A study conducted by Blue Cross Blue Shield estimates that without intervention, Millennials could see mortality rates increase to 40% more than Gen-Zers of the same age.?

So, what are the health issues causing this rapid decline and concern for the future?

Millennial’s behavioral health is becoming a widespread concern. Rates of major depression have increased by 31%, rates of psychotic conditions have increased by 15%, and rates of substance use have risen 10%. The unfortunate truth here is that overall health appears to be worse for female Millennials compared to their male counterparts, especially in regards to major depression, Type 2 diabetes, and endocrine conditions.

It doesn’t stop here, though.?Depression, anxiety, and loneliness ?are on the rise for Millennials, and all generations.??

Given that Millennials make up the majority of the workforce, their overall health will largely impact the entire economy’s health.?Unhealthy employees are less productive, and their lower health levels could cost millennials more than?$4,500 per year (or $375/month) . When you consider that?Millennials spend on average $4,300 per year on entertainment and apparel ?alone, that reduction in expendable cash will hurt the economy.

Now that you understand how serious this really is, it’s time to consider what you can do today to improve your health.?

1. Reduce your screen time.

There is no secret that Millennials are some of the most connected people online today, and yet?30% have reported always or often feeling lonely while 27% say they have no close friends . This loneliness is in large part due to social media, according to a?study by University of Pennsylvania , which found a strong correlation between increased time spent on social media and decreased well-being.?

To combat this loneliness, dedicate time away from your social media in order to work on building face-to-face connections.?Personal interaction is something so many people crave, yet don’t actively seek out. According to the?BlueZone studies , the healthiest regions of the world, researchers found that among diet, exercise and adequate sleep, a sense of community was what kept these people so healthy.?Don’t limit it to people just your age! Build relationships with your grandparents, and don’t forget your younger family members.??

Many young professionals live far away from their immediate family, which makes it all the more important to establish new relationships and a sense of community. Start to attend meetup groups, join a community-focused gym or become a member of a networking group that meets regularly.??

If stepping away completely from social media sounds too difficult, or perhaps it is a necessity for your business, simply take note of how you use it on a daily basis. The way you use social media largely affects the impact it has on your mental well-being.??

Additional data has shown that people who generate a connected community online are?less likely to associate with depression and anxiety ?as opposed to someone who has high usage on a wide variety of platforms with a broad audience.?What this means is, in order to get the most out of social media, create a niche community that you connect with, as opposed to scrolling through random sites and strangers profiles. The key here is quality over quantity.?

2. Visit your doctor.

Preventative health matters. This is something that hasn’t seemed to catch on with Millennials considering that?two-thirds of them? report not going to a doctor until they are sick or in need of urgent care.

I’m no health expert, but I can confidently state that there are some great advantages to visiting a doctor annually, even if you don’t feel ill.?They can perform blood work, check your blood pressure, run an MRT test to learn what causes allergies and inflammation specific to you. An overall exam today goes far beyond listening to your breathing with a stethoscope. You might have been running around all year without taking the time to notice a small mole changing color or that your heart was literally skipping beats.?

A doctor’s check-up will help you catch signs and symptoms before they become something more serious. Schedule out annual recurring dermatology, gynecology, and optometry appointments. There are many illnesses, such as cervical cancer, that if caught early can be easily treated, but if left untested turn serious.

3. Consider your health before your finances.

Open enrollment for health insurance started last month (November) and that has meant many people are considering which health care plan to get, or whether they should enroll at all.

It might be tempting to forgo health care?given the recent changes in 2019 , especially if you don’t have a serious illness. Health insurance plans can be expensive. In fact, the?average monthly cost for an individual was $547 in 2018 . You might be thinking about all the great things you could do with that money instead.?

So why pay a monthly fee for something you won’t use??Well, consider that an ER visit without insurance will run you anywhere from?$150 upwards of $3,000 and in some instances reach $20,000 ?depending on the severity.?A recent study unveiled that?66% of all bankruptcies ?are tied to medical issues, either from the exorbitant cost for care or for the time out of work due to illness. Already, your insurance plan would be worth that one visit.

Realize that you are the most important thing you can invest in, not your house, not your social media profile...?you. If your physical isn’t working, you cannot perform on a mental level.

Being healthy is the greatest gift and most rewarding investment you can give yourself.

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