Millennials Matter: How & Why You Should Be Marketing to this Generation
Millennials Matter: How & Why You Should Be Marketing to this Generation
On one hand, they are well-educated, tech-savvy, information-hungry and ambitious. On the other hand, they can also be impatient, easily distracted, and expect instant gratification.
Who am I talking about? Millennials. Or perhaps you know them better as Generation Y or Echo Boomers. No matter how you refer to them, they are today’s 18-34 year olds (depending on what article or study you're reading). They are typically the younger siblings, nieces and nephews of Generation X and they the children of Baby Boomers.
What’s so special about this generation? Despite being a biased Millennial, myself, I can tell you this generation is making quite an impact.
According to recently published research by LinkedIn about Affluent Millennials, this generational subset spends a whopping $2 trillion every year. With their collective annual income predicted to reach $3.4 trillion by 2018, Millennials will eclipse Baby Boomers, who are expected bring in a generational annual income of $2.8 trillion in 2018. In the next few years, in addition to the wealth they generate on their own, Millennials will also be on the receiving end of a massive generational shift of approximately $59 trillion in personal wealth.
If that’s not enough motivation to include Millennials in your marketing strategy, I urge you to consider how the technology industry has flexed to the preferences and needs of this generation ...not to mention the fact that a large part of the tech world is actually run by Millennials.