Millennials are Changing the Work-space Landscape
Gary M. Broidis
President at Atlantic Commercial Group, Inc./Licensed Commercial Real Estate Broker/Investor and Expert Witness
Millennials are taking over the workforce as we know it. Based on recent polls, people between the ages of 18 and 34 now make up 1 of every 3 working Americans. This means millennials have officially passed generation X. This change in American workforce demographics means several changes for employers, a major one being that working Millennials (across most industries) don’t like being “boxed in”. Gone are the days of isolated cubicles. Gone are pointless daily meetings in gray conference rooms, or conference calls where half the team is actually asleep. Workplaces will need to strive to make the office environment more collaborative through fresh ideas and design differences. These dynamics are further evidenced by Sarah Landrum of Forbes, who recently stated the following:
“As popular career destinations for millennials, many startups and tech firms have set the precedent for what a happy and productive work environment looks and feels like. The new workplace is not filled with gray walls and gray cubicles. It’s filled with dynamic, bright and environmentally friendly design and operation that make millennials happy:
Coffee Equals Happiness
Everyone knows this fact: Coffee equals happiness. Real coffee makes millennials happy, not anti-environmental Keurig cups or the cheap brand you order in bulk. Millennials have grown up on Starbucks and fair-trade coffee.
The National Coffee Association reports that the market share of gourmet, specialty coffee drinks is made up of millennials. Either get the fancy coffee maker or at least invest in quality coffee beans. What your local coffee shop sells is a good place to start. Consider a local brewer, or host a coffee tasting as a fun employee event, letting employees vote for their favorite.
Noise Control
When you picture a millennial workspace, it’s typical to imagine an open-office layout where employee conversation and collaboration is naturally accessible. However, when workers are wearing their earbuds because of the excessive noise levels, that open-office plan becomes a failure.
Smartphones and laptops have replaced shared-line phones and clackety-clack typewriters. E-fax services have nearly triumphed over loud fax machines in many offices. However, modern technology isn’t soundproof, and many offices still retain older technology with quirks and interesting noises. Picture that open-office layout again, combine the whirs, clicks and taps with office chatter, and you have an environment that makes productivity nearly impossible.
Mundane tasks such as checking email and other administrative tasks work well in co-working spaces with a just-right ambient noise level of 70 decibels if the office prefers to listen to light music in the background. The upper 70s can become annoying, and at 80 decibels, ear damage is possible, comparable to the sound of a garbage disposal.
Connection at work is lost when a worker has to rely on earbuds to be productive. Partitions divide open spaces while providing privacy and helping redirect noise. Filling an office with comfortable furniture will help sound not carry as far. Consulting with a contractor to add better insulation will also improve the sound quality of the office.
Applying ergonomics, or the study worker efficiency, to workspaces is important for workplace productivity and employee satisfaction. Many employees spend eight-hour workdays seated and staring at a screen.
Luckily, sit-stand desks are becoming a popular alternative, allowing employees to adjust desks to their desired height. Ergonomic mice and keyboards, along with monitor stands and other such desk accessories can be provided to give millennials the ergonomic benefits they’re looking for. Such ergonomic considerations improve accuracy, reduce fatigue and save time, among many other benefits, keeping workers healthy and happy.
Going Green
Office cleanliness keeps out nasty germs and prevents the spread of illness. In an organized office, employees find whatever they need in its proper place. However, your office’s standard practices for cleaning may involve harmful chemicals that affect employee health adversely and damage the office and natural environment.
Many companies don’t realize their employees are suffering from sick building syndrome, including skin irritation, fatigue, dizziness, inability to focus and throat, nose and eye sensitivity. As of 1983, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated sick building syndrome had become a global threat. Green cleaning practices address recycling, energy use, consumption, water quality, waste and sanitation without the use of toxic chemicals and may improve the company’s power bill.
Green cleaning services and practices may include scent-free products, chemical-free cleaning products and environmentally conscious waste use and disposal practices. A good place to start is to implement an office recycling policy.
Inviting Nature In
Employees don’t often get the opportunity to go outside over the course of a long day, and ecotherapy is a real solution for unhappy employees — connecting with nature improves well-being. Japanese doctors have long recommended “forest-bathing” to relieve stress and depression. In fact, a Harvard University study surveying 100,000 nurses found they had a 12% lower mortality rate when they lived in greener areas than others.
Employees should be encouraged to get out and into nature. Employers could host “walking meetings” on greenways, where employees take a walk and discuss the agenda. When employees don’t get an opportunity to go out, they can enjoy nature in the office. Employers may encourage employees to bring in shade-friendly plants, such as calla lilies, and let in more natural light with added windows. Inviting nature in will help improve employee morale.
Employee happiness should be the priority of companies who want to keep retention rates and morale high on the journey to success. Good coffee, noise control, ergonomics, green cleaning practices and ecotherapy are necessary workplace changes to help millennial employees do their job well and do it happily.”
Source: “5 Workspace Changes That Make Millennials Happy”, via Forbes.