Millennial And Proud! Part 2: Reverse Engineering A Unicorn
So, in Millennial and Proud! Part1: Stop Hatin' I addressed some of the stereotypes that we millennials have been imposed upon - Lazy, Narcissistic, Entitled etc. I. of course, as a millennial. disagree. However, it did get me thinking... Maybe there's no value in throwing barb back and forth! But... How do we rise above this debate??
The fact is, where there is dispute, there probably lies some sort of lack of understanding. However, how can we expect GenX/Boomers to understand what we as a generation have manifested into when we grew up in entirely different worlds?
I titled this article "Reverse Engineering a Unicorn" because I believe that at the root of all puzzles is a big WHY that we all tend to overlook. So lets pick apart this mysterious and incomprehensible generation of ... Unicorns ... and decipher why we've been imposed these shallow stereotypes.
Lazy, Narcissistic. Entitled? Lets start by figuring out why these stereotypes surfaced. I think there are three fundamental reasons to why Millennials are such 'Unicorns'.
- Upbringing
- Social Media
- The Inherited World
Upbringing - Everyone's a Winner?
Economic super-growth (especially in China) has lead to an influx of millionaires who came from nothing, worked hard, reaped the rewards and just smother their kids with luxuries that they couldn't afford. In the West, the institutionalized 'No Child Left Behind' policies has left the whole system in shambles (too large a topic to delve into... ).
Schools will give out trophies even if a kid comes in last, teachers teach tests not what counts and students are commoditized by schools because their test scores determine bonuses. Parents smother their kids and are too afraid to discipline them because of excessive 'child protection' laws. This is but a peek at the world Millenials grew up in.
Now, take this group of kids after 20 plus years being pushed about by circumstances outside of their control and shove them into the sluggish, immensely competitive job market run by generations who prospered in a completely different world. What happens then? They instantly realize that:
- They are not special
- There are no medals for last place
- You can't just have what you want
In That Instant Their Entire Self-Image is SHATTERED.
However, there is a big difference between calling a spoilt brat a spoilt brat (which might I remind you exists in every generation) and labeling an entire generation as 'entitled' or 'narcissistic' without understanding why.
So... are Millennials entitled? Maybe a lot are ... but objectively speaking, it is to no fault of their own. This is what GenX/Boomer employers need to understand, Millennials are a manifestation of a plethora of bad hands dealt to them. You can miscontrue this as 'whining', but the first step of improving a situation is recognizing why it arose in the first place.
Social Media - Addiction
In our 'Facebook' 'Instagram' era, we have become masters at putting filters on our lives. We as a generation grew up with a unique skill of being able to show the world that life is AMAZING... even though we're depressed. Everyone has to shroud themselves in a 'I've got everything figured out' fa?ade. But the reality is, life is usually NOT amazing and most of us definitely have NOT figured everything out.
We're all struggling, yet we're struggling to make it appear like we're not struggling
Research has proven that when engaging in social media, our brains release a chemical called dopamine. It's why we light up when we get a 'like' on our posts and why we feel a certain 'high' when we're acknowledged online. This is the same exact chemical reaction that happens when we're smoking, gambling or chugging a can of beer! The only difference is, there are age restrictions on the three... but not social media.
This is an Addiction!
Millennials consume this highly addictive product - social media, before their cognitive facilities are even fully developed. Where previous generations grew up only concerned with getting acknowledgement from their parents, Millennials are forced under the microscope of their peers, very likely even before they turn 10 years old!
Simon Sinek describes social media as the liquor cabinet for adolescence.
Alike every other addiction, an imbalance of consumption will lead to the crippling of social functions, the gradual disintegration of your own self image and a plethora of other debilitating side effects. Imagine the trauma of a ten year old being unfriended from Facebook. Think about having to consistently obsess over the number of views you get. Does the world hate you because your post has no likes? How do I get more shares? All these corrosive thoughts atop of being in the most competitive environment history has ever known and you're barely 16 years old. What Now?
I can almost hear the Boomers go, " Psssh! Big Whoop! Stop being a crybaby!" as I type this part of the article. I won't explain the psychological corollary of being exposed to such pressure at a young age. But here are some stats. Psychology Today : “The suicide rate among young adults has tripled since the 1950s and suicide is currently the second most common cause of death among college students.”
This is a Real Problem.
I will however implore you think about WHY Millennials are how they are. Also, think about the strength they have hidden beneath the layers of vulnerability and the potential they have having navigated through a childhood of 'office politics'.
The Inherited World
- Millennials are the largest generation and are the most educated generation in history
This sounds GREAT! ... for the GenX/Boomer bosses. We are in a society with a surplus of highly educated workers but a decreasing demand for labor in the work force. Coupled with the globalization of the talent market and increasing preference for machines, we are in a storm of unemployment, unstable political climates and regular waves of recession! Not the best start to the rest of our lives.
- Average college debt for a Millennial is around USD$33,000 with the median household income remaining the same since 1999 (PEW Research and USA Today College)
The US national college debt is now upwards of 1.3 trillion dollars! Tuition fees are seeing a 1,140% increase since the late 70s. Mark Cuban, co-founder of, Dallas Mavericks owner and venture capitalist on 'Shark Tank', writes in The Coming Meltdown of College Education, “We freak out about the Trillions of dollars in debt our country faces. What about the TRILLION DOLLARs plus in debt college kids are facing?”
Millennials are:
“The first in modern era to have higher levels of student loan debt, poverty and unemployment, and lower levels of wealth and personal income than any other generation at the same stage of life.”1
- Millennials have the highest level of clinical anxiety, stress, and depression than any other generation today
A World Run By Financial Stress
Symptoms of a Stressful World
Millenials (aged 18 - 35) are significantly more stressed.
Stressful World with Unhealthy Coping Habits
I wrote this in hopes that the Millennial Haters would take a second to consider WHY the stereotypes were imposed. At the end of the day, the facts remain that Millennials are the most highly educated and skilled work force in the history of our race. Understand your people and empower them for success! Put aside your pride, wield us the right way and success will follow.
Below are the articles I have recently published. I’m looking to put out at least 1 piece a week.. Hope you have the time to check them out and drop me an add! I would love to have you in my professional network!
Really appreciate it … Thank you!
Branding You… Mission Impossible
Instant Messaging: I.M. a Professional
Are You Laughing to the Bank… or is Your Recruiter?
Millennial and Proud! Part 1: Stop Hatin’