The millennial problem at work
Millennials are quietly criticized for their work ethics. As the oldest working generation- ‘the baby boomers’ generation - fades into retirement, and the next; ‘Generation X’ workers are securing the highest work statuses of their lifetime - Millennials are left to age for at least the next foreseeable five years.
Millennials are a generation of workforce that grew up in the age of widespread availability of computers, the internet, electronic media and gamified content. Millennials are widely known for their innate desire for instant gratification.
Future rewards aren’t as satisfying as instant rewards are, which is why young adults prefer to make friends on social networks and gaming platforms instead of investing in offline friendships that can take years to solidify.
At the workplace, a dedicated millennial worker is a highly knowledgeable asset that strives to make a difference. Instead of following convention and procedures to achieve results, the millennial worker yearns to overcome barriers and hurdles and complete tasks ahead of time.
This is for two reasons; a) so that they can leave work earlier, b) so that they can be recognized as problem solvers and be rewarded with higher pay.
As in all workforces, millennial workers too can be broken down into two main segments; the motivated worker and the demotivated worker. The motivated millennial likes to be entrusted with high value work and operates at levels of near autonomy. The demotivated worker requires a mentor to show them the ropes and be rewarded with praise when tasks are completed successfully.
It is important for older managers to understand that when a millennial worker does not perform outstandingly, it is not because the worker is not competent. Rather, it is quite the opposite; the millennial worker has not been made aware of the reason as to why a particular task needs to be completed.
Managers should make efforts to teach such millennial workers the rewards of successfully completing such tasks in relation to all stakeholders; i.e, the worker, the manager, the organisation.
Jobs and Vacancies is a startup Human Resources Consulting team that is working to solve the upcoming HR crisis. Within the next 10-15 years, senior positions in large, medium and small sized organizations will be occupied by millennials.
If organizations do not swiftly recognize the problem and take measures to train, groom and prepare millennial workers for organizational leadership positions, economic chaos will ensue.
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