The Millennial Illusion
Steven Dayan
Facial Plastic Surgeon. NYTIMES Best selling Author. Speaker. Researcher, Conference Director, Professor
“The Millennials are coming,” and they are coming in fast on their shiny new social media roadster. An enigmatic group that is feared, maligned and revered all at the same time, the Millennials dictate culture, counterculture, and the domains from which they are defined. They are internationally aware, hyper-connected and disproportionally influential. Their cryptic language follows no dictionary but is universal, they spend a legal tender that cannot be touched, and communicate loudly but sidestep speaking. From educational institutions to medical clinics, media outlets to athletic purveyors, mom and pop shops to large corporations, all are anxious to tap into this fresh and emerging generation defined as being born after 1982. (1) And while their spirit may be free their loyalty and commitment is far from cheap. They were born into a digitally padded world and nursed on a screen that never slept. How could they not help, albeit a bit tongue in cheek, to have an attention span shorter than a goldfish. (2) Despite the stereotypes, we continue to pledge ourselves to meeting their desires and demands. Like a celebrity, we strangely tend to be awe of them as we attempt to attract them. I myself have been no different. Having given no less than half a dozen lectures in the last 12 months plus penned two articles on how to communicate, market and prepare my practice for a millennial generation. But a year after following my advice as well as the other lemurs. I realized something sobering, the millennials are not that profitable to my practice. Our millennial patients tend to spend less, lack loyalty, and nudge my patient acquisition costs up. The new generation is less venerable to authority requiring more of mine and my staff’s emotional reserve. While I have no doubt over the long -term businesses and medicine should prepare and adapt for the future, but I now wonder if in all our frenzy we were too quick to divert all our attention only east. Perhaps, inadvertently blinding ourselves to the valuable founding contributors to the aesthetic market and its broad spectrum.
After identifying and sharing similar experiences with a colleague (3) we evaluated our 2016 practice data. And the patient population that spent the most dollars in my practice was categorically an older population. In my practice those above 40 make up for over 79% of our revenue. And each person over 40 spends 31% more on average than those under 45. Despite the obvious, I have disproportionally invested more time, energy and effort attempting to attract a generation that returns significantly less financially and professionally. I have to ask myself, have I neglected the one I brought to the dance?
The baby boomers are those born 1946-64 and are entering into their golden years, yet they are redefining what that means. Perhaps, the most economically successful generation in the history, out- earned their parent’s generation by a landslide, (4) a fact the Millennials won’t be able to boast. The Boomers worked, produced and gave long before asking for anything in return. Now many Boomers are enjoying expendable incomes and burgeoise lifestyles. As this accomplished generation ages, they are not beating down the doors to enter the nursing homes, rather they are wanting to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Checking off buckets list items learning new languages and connecting with old friends. And yes, aesthetically exploring plastic surgery and cosmetic medicine. This generation doesn’t want to look younger rather they want to appear as they feel. They are confident, and know what they want. And this generation is being followed by an equally prosperous and independently minded group the generation X’ers, born 1965-1981. Expect to see Xers extending quality living well past the golden years, let’s call it, “Diamond Years.” In fact, today there are over 450,000 centenarians worldwide and it is expected to increase from 10% in the UK up to 400% in Japan by 2025. (5) While I nor any of you reading this today will likely experience an aesthetic population dominated by nonagenarians and centenarians, it’s arrival is but a grain of sand sliding down the fundus of an hour glass. A foreseeable future is coming into view where nutrition (6) and the environment is optimized, and accidental deaths all but eliminated. Infectious, cancer and metabolic deaths will be a thing of the past. Living to 120 as foreshadowed in Genesis 6:3 (7) will not only be feasible but expected. If you doubt, consider how far we have progressed in the last 100 years both technologically and medically. From televisions, airplanes, air conditioning to computers, credit cards and smartphones. Polio has been wipe out, pediatric and infant mortality truncated, and death from car accidents are quickly fading in our rear view mirrors. And as technology duplicates every 18 months, crash free cars are as much of sure bet as is controlling Alzheimer’s. Genetic medicine will allow targeting and treating of disease before it happens. The possibility of prolonging natural life indefinitely is a sinisterly plot that may have a venue. Perhaps the only recourse to control a disease and accident free population will be to institute pre -planned expiration or death dates. Imagine a birth day being complemented with a government issued death day to be redeemed 120 years later. Admittedly, right now this remains only a nefarious philosophical thought, I bet our descendants will likely grapple this issue.
This futuristic flight of idea, however, does have a reflective relevancy today. As the current Gen Xers come of age they will not be waiting in line to purchase AARP memberships and cemetery plots. Rather, their spark will ignite a whole new cottage industry offering second life products and services. Secondary careers will lead to another concentrated university and college experience at age 50. Maybe your first career was a doctor but next time it will be a fashion designer, a poet or an engineer. Educational bureaucracies, universities and endowment fund managers will only be too happy to meet the second coming of higher education. But it only starts with schooling, expect new housing, electronics and multiple markets to sprout as the capitalist seize the opportunity to provide new offerings for a thirsty septuagenarian consumer population. Expect to see Ferrari with comfortable seats, Tom Ford dresses that hug shoulders not hips and iphones with handles. The second life themes will be driven by economics. And large multinational companies like the Nestle, Unilever, and GE’s of the world that have weathered more generations than many of the countries at the UN will benefit from their crow’s nest view in preparing for the coming tidal wave of commerce.
However, for those of us in the trenches and on the front lines, the future likely starts now. And it begins by not prematurely dusting away a maturing generation that is craving attention. While cultivating a practice ready to accept a Millennial generation is likely the key to the future of aesthetics currently it is an expensive low yield and one met with a clumsy step. While there is no doubt we need to be, open and welcoming to the glamour of the Millennials, however, the more fruitful, reachable and affable population maybe beside us, already on the floor, sitting just waiting to be asked…to dance again.
Steve Dayan, MD
1. Roberts, David H., Lori R. Newman, and Richard M. Schwartzstein. "Twelve tips for facilitating Millennials' learning." Medical teacher 34.4 (2012): 274-278.
2. “
3. SGFabi
5. centenarian data
6. Brabeck-Letmathe P. Nutrition for a better life. Univ of Chicago press April 2017
7. “Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
Cosmetic Doctor at Dr Sarah Hart
6 年Nailed it Steven.
Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon at Skin Care Specialty Physicians
7 年So true ....great article
President at Techsource Dental, LP
7 年Wow. Amazing article. Thank you!
Lecturer, Dentist & co-director of Winnipeg Seattle Study Club
7 年Well written and great insight
Dermatologist & Cosmetic Surgeon at The Derm
7 年You are not only an amazing surgeon but also a gifted & insightful writer. Very good article that resonates with the practice of aesthetic medicine. Well done!