Millennial financial woes can inspire better bank products and marketing
The financial challenges facing millennials are intense, and they need help. While millennials’ financial struggles are similar to those of previous generations, millennials also have unique needs that true marketing game-changers will notice and address. Fast.
In a recent survey with the Banktastic National Millennial Advisory Board, we asked how they are reaching their financial goals and about the obstacles that slow them down. They described splurges, funding large purchases, lack of knowledge and the emotions that accompany the highs and lows of personal finances.
Our board, made up of nearly 400 diverse consumers across the country, was created to provide valuable insights for financial marketers into millennial attitudes and opinions about all things money.
Millennials are now the largest working adult population in the U.S. By 2030, they will have five times the wealth they have today and become the richest generation in history. To be well positioned for the future, it’s essential for bankers to understand this audience and make their marketing and products relevant to their unique needs.
Most of their top concerns are all in the present, and this article shares a sampling of their comments. They deal with the reality of high costs such as: childcare, health insurance, health care debt, rising cost of living, stagnant wages, student loan debt and affordable housing.
Millennial money comments included:
“We have 3 kids in daycare now so the VAST majority of my paycheck goes to that. It doesn’t leave much left over for the rest of the expenses, let alone saving.”
“… I mean rent is stupid expensive.”
“High cost of living. My rent is half my take home pay.”
“We prioritize health, so we spend quite a bit on quality ingredients, supplements, etc. And it takes a good chunk of our budget.”
Millennials may not know bankers can help—and they don’t know how to ask
Their needs run the gamut. They’re asking for things that exist—and other things that do not yet exist, but forward-thinking bankers can develop.
Financial marketers may already have products to address all of these Gen Y issues. So it may simply be a matter of promoting them to this audience.
It’s also possible that those products may need some tweaking—or re-creating—to effectively answer millennial customer needs.
The Banktastic board gave some frank feedback that can spur conversations and innovation within the institution. We’ve broken their input into four main areas for trailblazing marketers:
1. Millennials crave financial education
Millennials are smart and informed, but need help taking the next steps to put the financial puzzle together. Many bankers are aware of this already, but more work may be needed. Bankers who critically examine their efforts to educate millennials will position the institution as a valued partner in their financial journey and build value for the customer and for the brand. Comments included:
“My husband and I have been trying to budget better … eating out less and have done less ’fun’ spending to be able to put away money. We have also started making coffee drinks at home. This may be a small thing, but the ingredients cost us about $40 for a month’s worth of coffee drinks vs. $40 getting us about 7 drinks at a coffee shop. Little things add up a lot.”
“I definitely could use some budgeting classes or strategies (lol).”
“I realize those mini-splurges add up.”
“Clearer insurance policies, making sure to have money saved in an extra account for emergencies.”
How financial marketers can help:
Whether creating customized programming or using syndicated content, it’s vital to offer education through the channels and formats that appeal to millennials. Topics must appeal to their generational needs.
Information on this programming belongs on the bank’s website, social media channels, the app and online banking login. Customized emails or PURLs with content just for them and that allows them to access it as they prefer will keep educational offerings at top of mind when most needed.
A successful campaign will have KPIs to monitor progress. What are the most-visited pages? What educational sections are started, then abandoned? A best practice is to continue to review and refine educational offerings so millennial customers get real value from the investment of their time and grow deeper connections to the institution.
Read the rest on our website
Banktastic? is a marketing agency for financial brands. We build outcomes-based programs that build love, loyalty and profit. Our National Millennial Advisory Board of nearly 400 diverse people from across the country is a resource for our clients and the content we share.