Millennial elegant
Juan Carlos Menendez Gijón
Freelance - Fotógrafo y redactor de contenidos
There are monuments much older than that Puerta de Alcala, of which we Madrid residents feel so proud, which, even a millennium -which is said soon- before Sabatini and his meritorious Renaissance elegance, continue to watch time go by, with that astonished indifference that immortality entails. An immortality, in fact, earned by hand and beat, when Architecture was at the service of faith and Geometry, metaphorically and comparatively speaking, was undoubtedly the language of God.
Disconcerting and extremely beautiful, the pre-Romanesque church of San Salvador, popularly known as ‘the small convent’, continues to be, since those dark early medieval times, which witnessed the end of the Visigothic empire and the beginning of a new world, where two religions merged. dueled on the battlefields, on this peninsular side of the dreaded Pillars of Hercules, the indisputable architectural jewel, of that prodigious and spectacular Asturian council of Maliayo, today known as Villaviciosa, whose wine presses, following the most remote Celtic traditions, continue to produce a recognized international drink: cider.
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