Millenials on the Move - From Being Managed to Becoming the Manager
Steve Gavatorta
Provides Customized Learning & Development Solutions: Speaker/Trainer/Coach/Author of In Defense of Adversity.
One of the common issues I experience when working with clients involves Generation Y entering the workplace. When I meet with them to discuss organizational challenges, it almost always begins with a roll of the eyes regarding their Gen Y colleagues. The usual complaints are about their constant use of technology to communicate, their sense of entitlement, and work ethic, all of which is enough to drive their bosses and peers crazy. Bottom-line, Gen Y’s place in the workforce is a hot-button topic across all industries today.
The relationship between Gen Y and their colleagues could potentially get more strained in the next few years if companies do not manage relationships carefully. Not only have Gen Y’ers entered the workplace in full force, many of them are now being moved into managerial roles over seasoned veterans. You think the angst was present before? This dynamic adds significant fuel to the fire.
As Generation Y workers continue to rise in management, many are surpassing seasoned personnel from other generations. Now many of those seasoned employees are being supervised by people with less work and life experience.
This dynamic has proven difficult for both sides of the workforce—younger managers as well as the seasoned veterans. Because of the Internet, the most transformative development since the automobile, the current generations in the workforce grew up in vastly different times. Their backgrounds, experiences, beliefs and approaches vary immensely, shaping very different work styles that create certain barriers to effective communication. The key for more seasoned folks is to take the initiative and help bridge the various gaps between them and their “greener†managers. The bottom-line is that they should take a proactive approach rather than a reactive one.
There are ways to diffuse the backlash from other employees that results from Gen Y’s approach to work. Sure, there are distinct differences that will naturally create issues, however, there are ways, we can add these valuable employees into the workplace seamlessly. They offer many fresh ideas that can create competitive advantages for companies. Why not leverage these potential “diamonds in the rough†to provide such a differentiating point? Before you can do that, it is important to review some facts and basic characteristics of the three generations now working side-by-side in today’s workforce.
From Baby Boomer to Gen Y: Evolution of Today’s Worker
As part of trying to truly comprehend the reason for the differences, we need to understand some core facts about each generation
- Baby Boomers – (Born between 1946 and 1964. Population: 80 million). These people tend to have a strong work ethic and be independent goal oriented and highly competitive
- Generation X – (Born between 1965 and 1980. Population: 44-50 million) Their characteristics include individualistic, technologically adept and flexible, and they value a balance between work and home
- Generation Y – (Born after 1980. Population: 70 million) They are purported to be tech-savvy, family-centric, team-oriented and attention-craving
When you look at the characteristics of each group, it is quite easy to see why there are potential issues, especially around the technological side of things. With Gen X and Y growing up in technology advanced days, it’s easy to see a huge gap. They learned to effectively use technology whereas Boomers had to learn these skills at a later age. In addition, because of this technology driven age, the Y’ers are accustomed to communicating via technology as well. This is where I see the biggest gap in the generations: effective communication skills—that is, good old fashioned one-on-one, face to face human interaction rather than heavy reliance on email, text and phone calls. In other words, many Gen Y’ers often have to improve how they effectively connect, interact, engage and communicate with someone in person.
The good news is that Gen Y’ers do value a coaching-based, collaborative and open communication environment. In addition, they are characterized as family-centric, team-oriented and attention craving. So as an employee of the Gen Y’er it is imperative to be open to and set the stage for that type of approach. So take the initiative in building a trusting, close relationship, one where you’ll be viewed for the experience and wisdom you bring them – similar to what they may receive from their family. So the good news is that you can indeed break through the barriers but you need to first and foremost be proactive with them.
Here are eight tried-and-true tips to workplace harmony adapted to help seasoned personnel from other generations learn to effectively connect, interact and communicate with their Gen Y managers:
- Avoid Generalizations –There are indeed differences in the generations, but the fact that each generation has different experiences should be no surprise. Do you remember your elders saying how different your generation was from theirs? I’m sure they heard the same from theirs as well. Generalizations create more barriers. Thus, they need to be eliminated. When we focus on the “potential’ differences we tend to “pre-judge†others. It is imperative to realize that this person is another human being and to focus on similarities and ways to make connections. And lastly, just because someone was born within a specific generational period does NOT mean they will exhibit the generalities associated with that generation.
- Create a Common Language – The most important way to make connections is through effective communication. Most relationships, regardless of generation, struggle because of a lack of effective communication. Do you think Boomers have trouble communicating with other Boomers at times? Absolutely! So a great way to “bridge†generational gaps is to create a common-language to help people connect and communicate with one another, particularly by focusing on behavior. The key is to understand behaviors and recognize the various styles for yourself and others. This allows you to not only build an understanding of another person without pre-judging, but also to create an action plan to better connect and communicate with them as well. Several behavioral/personality preference models can help build this bridge, including the Myers-Briggs, DISC and Social Styles, which we use in our practice.
By using tools like these with employees, you can focus on core elements to build that foundation of “common language.†In MBTI terms an INTP is still and INTP regardless of the generation. With this knowledge, communication can be leveled to a common language across generations. If I know a Gen Y manager is an INTP, I can approach that person accordingly. In this case, that means opening the door by connecting, engaging and communicating with them. Rather than immediately jumping to conclusions about “our†generational differences, I can focus on our similarities from a communication perspective. I’m not saying that all generational differences will go away, but by taking the approach of looking for that common ground, you can lay the foundation for an open communication relationship and begin to build trust. Using a model such as MBTI or DISC is the very first step in bridging these communication gaps, as it lays the ground for a strong foundation and also is imperative for the following steps to be leveraged effectively.
In fact, I have a former client Greg, who is a manager at a bank who recently had to report to a 29 year old Sr. Manager. He said his original concerns were eliminated when he thought of the work we did with MBTI and put it into practice with his new manager. His style was quite different than the manager and in recognizing this, was able to adapt to her style to effectively communicate. He communicates in a methodical, thoughtful, slower paced way – in terms of MBTI, an ISTJ Type, whereas she is more fast paced, expressive and imaginative, an ENFP Type. He essentially adapted his approach to her by matching his pace to communicate and align more in terms she was comfortable with. He said they communicate seamlessly. He obviously sees areas where generational differences could create roadblocks, but the fact that they can communicate, negates the other issues. Learning the first two steps is imperative as they create a necessary foundation.
- Establish and Build Trust– Another foundational element to any successful relationship must be built on trust – because of their family-centric, team-orientated desire for close relationships, this holds particularly true for Gen Y. Follow-through is critical as is transparency to relate to the millennial generation that may not yet be as adept at playing politics and still holds the ideal that their team members are working towards group goals.
- Take the Initiative and Show Empathy – For the trusting, family-centric Gen Y, making the effort to walk in others shoes says to millennials that they value them. Quit focusing on what Gen Y is not and start to think about how to create the right atmosphere that takes advantage of their team-building, trusting, techno-savvy nature. Then you’ll understand why they do what they do, as well as set an example to be followed.
- Embrace a Coaching and Collaborative Approach – Despite the perception that Gen Y wants to solely communicate via technology, which is in many ways true, when interacting in the workplace, they very much desire a coaching and collaborative environment. Be willing to allow for a coaching approach that creates “dialogues rather than monologues.†Gen Y will not respond very well to the “my way or the highway†attitude, and to be honest, nor should they. Again, Gen Y is family-centric and team-oriented. Thus, partaking in this collaborative environment will work effectively. After all, you have a wealth of knowledge you can share with them, so open the door so they feel safe and ready to receive your wisdom.
- Listen and Ask Questions – Asking thought-provoking questions and listening intently to answers is a good way to ingratiate yourself to a new boss, but this works especially well for the collaborative millennials who may be wary of their charges not taking them seriously. As we said earlier, the key to collaboration is to create dialogues rather than monologues so ask sincere questions that get them talking. Yes/No questions not only prevent the team from examining its challenges in the necessary depth, they are very off-putting to the ambitious Gen Y’er who always take the "safe" route of the corporate world's accepted status quo. Be quiet and listen so that you can learn more from these out-of-the-box thinkers. And lastly, don’t be put off if they ask “why†a lot. According to Austin, a Gen Y small business owner who leads many seasoned managers in projects “We ask “why†not to be difficult, but because we truly want to know why.†So don’t be offended, it’s actually a good sign they are engaged.
- Observe and Align Your Approach – As is the case with any new boss, the team should observe and align their approach accordingly. Like it or not, the new Gen Y’er steering the ship probably received the promotion for a reason. Likewise, that older worker has built a career and has valuable experience. It is critical to de-personalize the stigmas based on generation and begin understanding the natural motivations and/or interests of the individual. Common sense says this personal approach will better resonate with both the employee and manager. This creates an open dialogue for the employee to align communication with the Gen Y manager in their everyday interactions among colleagues. For example, if you are very aggressive, and fast-paced and they are not, do not overwhelm them with your assertiveness. If they are change agents and like risk, then be more open to becoming open to more creative ideas and approaches Once again, you can be the voice of wisdom and reason. The bottom-line is to be very cognizant of how they like to communicate and adapt accordingly.
- Ensure Transparent Communication – It is worth re-emphasizing that transparency is the key and that means back and forth conversation. Rather than having monologues, your goal is to have dialogues and that is the way the three generations need to communicate with each other. By being transparent in your communication you’ll be able to build the foundation of trust, and ultimately an effective relationship. When you communicate openly it appeals to all they needs desired by Gen Y’ers – Family-Centric, team-work and collaborative approach
Using the above steps will help bridge the potential communication gaps between seasoned personnel and their newly minted Gen Y managers. The key is to realize that in many ways Gen Y’ers are indeed different, but they also have many common-thread desires, motivations and behaviors like anyone else does. Play to defuse the stigma around being a Gen Y’r and get down to the simple fact that you’re dealing with another human being who happens to have earned their way up the ladder. You’ll develop the path for better relationships, greater sales, improved leadership and overall improved results.
Steve Gavatorta is a Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst (CPBA), Certified Professional Values Analyst (CPVA), Myers-Briggs Certified Practitioner, and accredited coach and trainer for Emotional Intelligence (EQ). He is a consultant, trainer, coach, and speaker who conducts workshops and speaks on the topic of effective communication and how it is a catalyst for personal development, success in sales, management, leadership, team-building and dealing with change. He works with large corporations, small businesses, entrepreneurs & individuals. He is also author of The Reach Out Approach: A Communication Process for Initiating, Developing & Leveraging Mutually Rewarding Relationships. He can be reached at 813-908-1343 or