Bhandair Jaswant Singh
Our Company provides guranteed result oriented consulting/advisory services in dairy foods (Specially for India))
Participate in Quiz competition and win a prize of Rupees one lac.
Every dairy business entrepreneur in India is purchasing raw milk using 60:40 two axis formulae and releasing due milk payments to milk suppliers with conventional software available in the market
Unfortunately every dairy plant In India (without any exception) is purchasing diluted/ manipulated milk (buffalo milk+ cow milk+ added water) and suffering hidden loss of about 20% cost of raw milk due to dilution with added water and manipulation in S.N.F: Fat ratio. ( assuming no adulteration except added water)
60:40 two axis formulae is simple arithmetical formulae based on specified rate for per Kg. Fat and per Kg. S.N.F. content in milk gravimeterically, S.NF.: Fat ratio and C.L.R. of raw milk for each milk purchase transaction between seller and purchaser.
S.N.F.=C.L.R./4+ 0.2 x Fat+C.L.R./100
Assuming specified milk purchase rate for standard buffalo milk as Rs.600/Kg Fat (6.50% Fat, 8.84% S.N.F., 15.34% total milk solids), corresponding to Rs.360/Kg Fat and Rs.176.4705882/Kg S.N.F.
If we take out 14.6153947 Kg milk out of 100 Kg whole buffalo milk ( 6.50% Fat, 8.84% S.N.F., 15.34% total milk solids),
Then add 17.1171171 Kg. water in that milk and mix that milk with 126.5142867 Kg standard cow milk containing (3.50% Fat, 8.50% S.N.F. 12% total milk solids)
Using specified 60: 40 two axis formulae mentioned above please work out the following
1. Exact % of cow milk and buffalo milk in the resultant mixed milk using digital hydro analysis of milk.
2. Work out arithmetically accurate and scientifically logical % of fat, S.N.F. Total milk solids and C.L.R. of resultant mixed milk.
3. Exact worth of mixed milk in Rs./Kg to be paid by the purchaser to the supplier of such mixed milk.
Participants are requested to send their answers on our email address [email protected] before 31.05.21.
Our Mission would be glad to congratulate the winner and our Mission associate would give complimentary award of Rs. One lac to the winner of the Quiz competition. In case we receive more than one correct entry then total prize money would be distributed equally among the successful winners.
Result of Quiz competition and correct answers for the questions recorded above would be communicated in the first week of June 2021 to all participants on their email address (only those participants who participate in the competition and their answer sheets are received by us)
(Jaswant Singh Bhandair)
Mission Director