Milestones are the secret to completed goals
Josh Patrick
Transform Your Business's Financial Landscape: Say Goodbye to Business Owner Poverty and Double Your Profits within a Year!
Have you ever felt like your goals are too big and never seem to come true? It might feel like you're running on a treadmill, going fast but not going anywhere. This might be because you're missing a crucial piece in moving forward. What, you might ask am I missing? It's simple, I want you to add milestones to the big goals that you set.
In this week's story, you'll learn about John Aardvark, who had the same problem. He was annoyed because the harder he worked, the worst his results were. As you'll learn, John and his coach Aaron, used milestones as a way for John to move forward. In this story, you'll see how milestones helped John achieve his goals, and for the first time, John started to achieve goals, not just dream about them. Let's get to John's story.
John's Story
John Aardvark, a construction company owner, was very upset. He worked very hard every day but didn't see any good results. He felt like he was running on a treadmill but not going anywhere. In his mind, he thought, "I can't keep going like this." So one day, he and his coach Aaron tackled this issue.
"Aaron, I work so hard every day, but I feel like I'm walking backwards."
"John, I understand how you feel. I think it's time for us to talk about milestones. I want you to know what they are and milestones can help. Their purpose is to help you break your big goal into smaller steps, and you can see your progress as you achieve them."
John liked the idea and thought, "Maybe this could work. I might as well try. What I'm doing isn't working." So he decided to give it a try. He set his first milestone to increase his sales by ten percent in three months.?
Aaron knew that John would not reach this goal unless he added some smaller goals along the way.?
Before Aaron could recommend smaller goals, John spoke up.
"Aaron, I don't think I can do this. It seems impossible."
In his mind, John thought, "What if I fail? Can I really do this?" And John hated failing at anything and was sick of not reaching his goals.
Aaron smiled at John, "Just break it down into smaller goals, John. Set weekly targets, and you'll see progress each week. When you break a bigger goal into smaller pieces, we call those smaller parts milestones."
John followed Aaron's advice and started seeing an increase in weekly sales. He started making progress he'd never seen before. John told himself, "I'm not stuck anymore."
A month later, John and Aaron were having another meeting.?
"Aaron, I feel I'm making progress every time I reach a milestone. This is much better than just focusing on the big goal."
Aaron smiled at John, "That's great; it's amazing how much easier life gets when you use milestones to help you with the big goals in your life."
John discovered he could achieve big things by breaking them down into smaller steps. He learned that focusing on a long-term goal was important, but so were the short-term milestones that helped him get there.?
Milestones are crucial for success.
Milestones are super important for a few reasons. Let's look at three of them:
But before you create milestones, do this first!
Before you start setting milestones, knowing exactly what you want to accomplish is important. Imagine putting together a puzzle without knowing what the final picture looks like. That's why you need to have a clear goal in mind, like being financially free from your business. Once you know what you want, figuring out the milestones to help you get there is easier.
Having a goal is great, and you also need a strong reason to reach it. Think about why you want to be financially free. Maybe you want to spend more time with your family or go on fun adventures. When you have an answer for why, it motivates you to work towards it, even when it's difficult. When you have clarity around your goals, setting milestones becomes an easy activity. Without clarity, setting milestones becomes difficult, if not impossible.
An Invitation
Setting milestones is just one of nine steps you'll take on your success path to create financial freedom from your business. If financial freedom is something you want, then check out The Financial Freedom Accelerator! This program will teach you the secrets to reaching financial freedom from your business so you won't think everything is always five years away.
I invite you to check out The Financial Freedom Accelerator. Just click on the button below, and you'll get a chance to learn more. And if you find this opportunity interesting, you can set a time to talk with me to find out if the Financial Freedom Accelerator is right for you. The call is free, so what do you have to lose?