Milestones that MATTER!
Kelly Piccininni
Senior Director, HR Operations and Shared Services at Northside Hospital
The Special Care Nurseries at Northside Hospital are filled with amazing and emotional stories. They are also filled with caring people who understand the struggle that infants and their families face when complications set in after birth.
Although a stay in the SCN can be a trying time, it also holds plenty of moments worth celebrating–which is why I love what Northside Nurse Laurie Repetto is doing.
A talented artist who enjoyed a successful career before she decided to become a nurse, Laurie has used her skills to design and create “Milestone Badges,” beautiful and touching mementos that mark the progress of infants in the SCN.
The badges are now part of the Infant’s Journey ribbon at the bedside of our little patients. They give parents–and our staff members–a positive visual reminder of an obstacle overcome or a milestone reached.
The badges bring smiles where they are often needed most. One of my favorites is the one that celebrates a baby “moving on up” from the second to the seventh floor, a sign that they are ready to finally go home.
People such as Laurie, who combine their enthusiasm for nursing with their passions in life, are what set Northsiders apart. I am proud to work with such a caring, creative and giving person!
Be sure to follow Northside Careers on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to learn more about the amazing things that are happening at Northside Hospital!