Milestones in the Development of Circuit Technology
In2tec Ltd
Protecting the World for Future Generations by Inspiring Sustainable Electronics
This article charts a brief history of the advancement of Circuit Technology, then comes up to date with developments in Sustainable Electronics.
Advancements in circuit technology
Circuit technology is at the heart of many industries, and forms an integral part of our daily lives, from telecommunications and computing to automotive and medical, through to consumer electronics. Advances in circuit technology are continuing at a rapid pace - with the development of new materials, manufacturing techniques, and design methodologies leading to ever more powerful and compact electronic devices – sustainable development in electronics is critical to industries across the globe.
What does the future hold
At In2tec, with our drive for sustainable electronics, we are pushing for fundamental changes to achieve a circular vision and life extension for flexible electronics, compared to traditional ‘hard’ electronics. Flexible electronics offer inherently different properties in design, form, and materials from which they are manufactured. This in turn presents opportunities to allow circuit boards to be unzipped at their end of life and provide sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions.
Our patented technology allows for components to be populated at low temperatures, saving energy, and easily removed from PCBs using little more than hot water. This ‘unzipping’ process means even complex components can be extracted easily, unstressed, and undamaged from used PCBs and returned for a second-life, driving a circular economy of used parts.
Here at In2tec we are all passionate about what we do, and we continue to work towards our goal - “We Protect the World for Future Generations by Inspiring Sustainable Electronics”. We continue to do this by hiring next-generation thinkers, innovators, and entrepreneurs to make sure we can meet our goal of ceasing landfill ewaste through 100% recycling of substrates, conductive circuits, and electronic components, via ultra-low energy unzipping and second-life usage for constituent parts.
Printed circuit board assemblies (PCBA’s) generally achieve 3-5 % recyclability. It takes significant energy (creating considerable CO2e), effort, and process time to extract the reusable properties and materials of a populated PCB. In turn, this equates to a cost, often too high a cost for this to be of commercial value.
Invariably this means the materials are either buried or burned. We believe ReUSE? Highly Recyclable Electronic Circuit Boards is the answer and the paradigm shift the World is calling for.
Why work with In2tec?
Utilising our ReUSE? Highly Recyclable Electronic Circuit Boards means that components’ usefulness does not have to end when the PCB they are mounted on reaches its end of useful life. These components can be recycled or reused.
The generation of secondary markets in used components means we extend their life beyond discontinued OEM parts, as well as reducing the demand for illegal-market component ‘copies’ – creating a truly circular economy.
Our design philosophy is that nothing is impossible. In2tec has been at the forefront of innovation in Flexible Electronics and Smart HMI for 20+ years. We started our work towards developing truly sustainable electronics in 2007 and since then have continued our path to sustainability.
Incorporating Sustainability into everything we do
‘We design, manufacture, and unzip electronics assemblies, providing full circularity and clean, valid components for reuse.’
Working across industries, we take the needs of every customer into account to create cost-efficient sustainable solutions.
Interested in learning more about our sustainable electronic solutions?
Let us help you achieve your technology wish list. We invite you to put our capabilities, innovation, and experience to the test to benefit you.
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T + 44 (0)1536 419200 (office hours GMT: 8.30am-5.00pm Mon-Thurs; 8.30am-2.30pm Fri)