Milestone, Travelling Man, and Local Projects
ThermalWood Canada
Family owned enterprise offering high-quality thermally modified wood products for indoor and outdoor applications.
It's that time again. Another edition of Turning Up The Heat is coming your way. We're up to 238 subscribers now, and over 500 followers on the ThermalWood Canada page. We're happy to see that people are showing interest in our content, and like always, we want to thank everyone for joining the journey.
For this edition, Milestone, Travelling Man, and Local Projects, we're going to take you through an exciting couple of weeks here at ThermalWood Canada.
We thought it was necessary to begin the newsletter by telling our followers how thankful we are. 531 is now the follower count. Like many company pages, when you begin most of the followers are connections from different personal pages. And that's great, it helps to get the ball rolling, but now we're seeing how many new followers we're receiving that weren't connected to us in anyway before the creation of the ThermalWood Canada company page.
That is the whole point of networking. You're creating connections with different leaders all over the world. And we're so happy that people are showing interest, reaching out, and asking more for more information. That is why we do what we do.
President and CEO of ThermalWood Canada, Robert Lennon spent quite a bit of time on the road and in the air over the last couple of weeks.
First, he went to Ontario to visit a couple of very important companies for the ThermalWood Canada brand. He made a stop at Weston Forest, which is our distributor for the entire province of Ontario. Bob always make sure to pay them visits, as that is an important factor of business relationships.
The engagement for the post was one of the highest we ever had.
Next up for Bob, was a trip to the CUTEK facility in Barrie. Exciting things are happening at CUTEK. They recently moved to a new building, which will accomodate the new mixing station they're in the process of putting in.
At CUTEK, the mixing process was done in Australia before being shipped to Ontario, where the company would sell the product. Now, they're changing that and are about to mix it themselves in their own building.
ThermalWood Canada keeps many CUTEK products in stock. They're an important part of what we do, and we're happy to see the expansion that's taking place in Barrie.
After Ontario, Bob made a trip to Fredericton for the annual New Brunswick Export Awards. ThermalWood Canada was nominated for three different awards. The Global Diversification Award, Innovative Exporter of the Year, and Sustainable Exporter of the Year.
Unfortunately, ThermalWood Canada did not take home any of these awards, but it did provide an excellent opportunity for networking with some of the brighest business minds in the province.
During the trip, Bob was able to make a stop at a new Fredericton local business for a new episode of the Northern Heat Report. Good Guys Golf, is an indoor mini-putt and bar, and that has been making major strides since its opening a few months ago.
He held a great interview inside the business with its two owners, Robert Johnson and Ben Black . You can watch the full interview here:
We also started driving around the area, and visiting local businesses that feature ThermalWood Canada products. This idea came after realizing that we were spending a lot of time posting about projects outside of the province, and outside of the country, that we felt we were neglecting some of the great work that we've done right in our own community.
The first post we did was at Les Saucisses A Robert, right here in Bathurst. They're a great local business that feature our products on the exterior and interior of their shop.
The next stop we made was at Chez Boudreau-Petro Canada in Nigadoo, New Brunswick.
Every week we're going to visit other local businesses that we've worked on. We're visiting more in the coming days, and will post some other pictures soon.
As soon as you walk into the ThermalWood Canada building, we have a store filled with small pieces, customizable options, our CUTEK products, and more. We decided to take a small video taking our followers through the front end of the store to see this section.
To end this edition of Turning Up The Heat, we ask our LinkedIn followers to spread the word, help us grow, and join us on our other social platforms.