A milestone today: We are now awe-inspiring 300 strong, in yet another blink of an eye.
Courtesy of Google Images.

A milestone today: We are now awe-inspiring 300 strong, in yet another blink of an eye.

A milestone today: We are now awe-inspiring 300 strong, in yet another blink of an eye. This bolsters our good and well-founded righteous path. Reminiscent of "King Leonidas' 300 Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC Greece, protecting their loved ones and homes at the 'Hot Gates Passage," against Persia's Xerxes I force of hundreds of thousands and his evil plans." There, evil failed once. Today, with THE TRUE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES, these 300 bonded together and each doing their part, can and shall form the next millions of us to stop all evil intentions dead on their tracks." LINK AHEAD.


