Miles, Myths & Musings
To avoid any element of doubt & me potentially stealing “marathon valor” I’d like to release a formal statement: I, Cael Schwartz, did NOT run the New York City marathon yesterday. I did not run 26.2 miles across 5 boroughs.
“But Cael… You’re sending Trust Fun late today. We just assumed that you were still in bed after dominating one of the hardest marathon courses in the world.”
Listen, I can totally understand why you would think that. Honestly, if I was in your shoes, I would’ve assumed the same thing.
That would’ve been classic me… Training for months, raising thousands of dollars for charity, & then successfully running the marathon whilst not telling anyone or bragging about it, especially to this 16k+ person audience that I write to every week. #Humble
Nonetheless, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It sure does feel like I ran it. So that’s gotta count for something.
My calls this AM have looked something like this:
“Hey Cael, you like handsome today. How was you’re weekend?”
“It was great. I’m exhausted from the marathon.” “Oh wow! Did you run it?!”
“No. No. No. I watched.”
Trust me, when & if I ever run a marathon, you all will know. You all will be VERY aware that I am running a marathon.
On a completely separate note, for some reason I can’t delete this pic of me after running a half marathon from a couple years back:
Welcome back to week 55 of Trust Fun. It’s bully week.
November is here. And as a wise man once said, “We’re in the end game now.“
It’s time to lock in, focus on execution, ands start prepping. Build out those BFCM ad sets, start working on the Shopify theme you’re going to set live, avoid at all costs those last minute panic changes.
Speaking of which—let’s all take a pledge. November is not the month for shiny object syndrome. No pivoting to new strategies because someone on LinkedIn “heard TikTok’s the new Google.” No changing the CTA color just because your uncle swears red buttons convert better. November is for clarity, confidence, and execution.
The biggest wins this season come from sticking to what works, not scrambling to reinvent the wheel. Trust your data, trust your team, and (most importantly) trust your gut. We’ve got this. Tell your therapist.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to pretend like I need an extra nap… from, you know, all the “marathoning.”