Mikey's Corner Shack materialized after taking a culinary class at PSC:
Pensacola State College Alumni
Pensacola State College Alumni & Friends
Students face a lot of stress that can get in the way of success, and at Pensacola State College, our pirates are sometimes faced with sailing some of the strongest storms. Our students not only face the burdens of classes and assignments, but they also face the hardships that their families and work bring on board. Despite the challenges, the treasure of success awaits those who put in the work to achieve their dreams upon graduating. For @Mike Tilton , that treasure came in the form of opening his own business after graduation.
If it were not for PSC, Tilton would never have been inspired to achieve his dreams, as he states, “It was attending the culinary classes at PSC through UWF that I realized that I belonged in the restaurant business.” Since graduating from UWF with a bachelor's degree in Hospitality, Resort, and Recreation Management, he acknowledges that he would not have been able to do it without the help of PSC.
What many people do not realize about the college is that it sets students up for success and can give them many perspectives that can help “get your feet wet before making a career choice that will affect the rest of your entire life,” Tilton says. Among the wide variety of classes, “I took astronomy, weightlifting, computer classes, philosophy, and all kinds of awesome classes along with the usual suspects in math, science, history, and literature before intro to culinary and a couple of other cooking, serving, and management classes that ultimately led to me opting to go to culinary school.”
No matter where one is in life, PSC not only crafts students into well-rounded people but is also a vessel for students to get inspired and reach their dreams. With PSC’s wonderful staff and genuine investment in each student’s future, Tilton ultimately agrees that PSC offers its students wonderful avenues that they can pursue to grow as individuals.
Keeping the dream alive after graduation, Tilton took the inspiration he received from PSC to open his restaurant, Mikey’s Corner Shack, located at 5168 Stewart Street in Milton, Florida. With PSC jumpstarting his dream, Tilton recalls that his work was not easy: “It all starts with a solid foundation and a strong support network. PSC has provided me with both, as well as skills to move forward and build on that foundation.”
As much as it is a business, Tilton established his shack with love and care. This has led to him being cherished among the community, for his ultimate goal is “striving to sell delicious food at family-friendly prices with a small staff of family and friends and my three younger sons helping out on weekends.”
Regarding the students at PSC, Tilton advises, “Hard work does pay off. Don’t sit around and wait. If you wait until the perfect timing of financial stability, you may miss your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you wait for the perfect time, it may never come. Take the chance and believe in yourself.”
When it comes to the ones you love, cherish them and “believe in your support system.” Even if you think you might not have the right resources at hand, Tilton mentions, “Make yourself a little uncomfortable, and you’ll be amazed at what you are able to do.”
Written by Arda Johnson.
Graduated from PSC in May of 2023.
Studied journalism.
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Address: 5168 Stewart St, Milton, FL 32570
Phone: +1 850-741-6395