Three Rangers Foundation
Supporting the 75th Ranger Regiment’s unit-level transition program, Ranger for Life.
1. ?Only spend your time on things that only you can do. ?Time is your most valuable asset, and too many leaders spend time on things that either others can do, should do, or that only have a near-term impact when their real contribution must be on mid and far-term actions. ?Many leaders fall into this trap because it deals with their strengths and recent experiences, and that is where they are comfortable, but that is usually about the past, not the future.
2. ?Many leaders only know what people tell them- that’s the easy button. ?Many leaders spend most of their time with their direct reports, and/or only a few direct reports, or in areas that "they know.” This leads to groupthink,?to only marginal improvements, creates environments of reaction at the expense of innovation, and prevents an organization from growing. ?Leaders need to spend quality time with the level of the organization that really drives the culture of the organization so they can understand what is really working and not working?and whether their strategy is being implemented and understood. This does not mean?solving their problems on the spot or necessarily agreeing with what they say. ?Don't be the leader that listens to someone and tells them, that's easy, I'll fix that right now. ?The fact is, in most cases if there was an easy solution to the issue brought up, it would have already been fixed.? You at that level do not have the Situational Awareness or experience to address many issues brought up by associates several levels below you. This usually leads to second and third-order issues for someone else. ? Listen, research it at the RIGHT level, and provide feedback. ?Most people want someone to listen and consider what they have to say. ?Most are smart enough to realize there are other factors out there. ?Feedback is key, real feedback. Foremost, leaders?should have culture, not tactics, as their most important focus of time. ?Tactics are best solved at lower levels, with proper guidance, resources, and empowerment.
3. ?Talking and taking the time to explain and listen to a mid-level employee produces a "rule of nines" because your?actual words, vision, and?strategy will spread faster and more effectively than holding any meetings with your direct reports, memos, rolling messages on a TV, town halls, webinars, etc, put together.