Mike's Garden Center! Neighborhood Star of the Month!
Stephanie Spann
Realtor? & Entrepreneur - Building relationships by helping people acquire wealth in the form of real estate and adding value by educating them on options as they build a financial legacy for their future.
I’m feeling really special to be standing here with well know neighborhood celebrities Mike Cook Jr. and Charlie Stephenson! For the last 50 years, Mike’s Garden Center has been the main resource for our neighborhood lawns and gardens in the DFW Metroplex. Truth be told they are the main resource for some of the best landscapers and do-it-yourself gardeners. This garden center is like none other, not only is it “Christmas Headquarters”, it’s the same spring, summer, fall, and winter.
“Looking for a great Christmas Gift that will put a smile on the recipient's face? Mike has the most beautiful Poinsettias I’ve seen, plus the beautiful “one of a kind” wreaths, Christmas Trees, and holiday accessories.”
Mike’s Garden Center is not your average garden center, it’s an oasis of beautiful plants and garden accessories plus, they have a great knowledgeable staff, exclusive items, and a great atmosphere for planning and shopping. Customers can be confident that the same person who helps you with your lawn or house plant issues today will be there next month and the next year. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable and are there to help, Charlie Stephenson has been with Mikes for 48 of the 50 years they have been in existence, along with Emily Garrett 20 years and Marie Gonzales over 10 years, not to mention the owner Mike Cook Jr. This is a family business where the children and grandchildren worked at the store from time to time. This assures customers that not only do they have everything you need for your plants you have experts right in your neighborhood. Not only can they tell you the best kind of flowers, shrubs, and trees to plant; they can tell you how to take care of them. Once you shop at Mike’s Garden Center it’s like shopping not only with experts but with friends. That is one of the main reasons they are classified as an essential business.
Personally, any time I have an issue or question about plants or my garden there is no better place to get good results. For example, this year no matter what I did or how much I watered my grass would not grow around my tree. I went straight to Mike’s and after explaining my dilemma my problem was solved. I learned not only the type of seed to purchase, but how to plant it, and what to expect. I am very happy to say I now have green grass growing under my tree now and am very happy with the result. I have lots more examples of how the staff at Mike’s has helped me with my lawn and house plants, this is my one-stop place for all of my gardening needs. Find exactly what you need for your house plants, lawns, and gardens at Mike’s Garden Center: 5703 Crowley Rd, Fort Worth, 817-293-8800. https://www.mikesgardencenters.com/ Check out the website for specials and more!