Mike Ditka Respects Our Country and Our Sport of Football

Mike Ditka Respects Our Country and Our Sport of Football

This great country of ours has finally heard from Coach Mike Ditka. And what they heard was a resounding roar of his own patriotic viewpoint. This past week, struggling news entities such as CNN, MSNBC, TMZ, and the Huffington Post, to name a few, publicized collective interviews pulled out of the archives from years ago. These interviews were deceitfully displayed and portrayed as being current.

Mike Ditka has spoken definitively offering his present day viewpoint for the silent majority of America who live their lives under our flag honorably. Few need to be reminded that Mike Ditka is a living legend who gave his all to help shape the game of football. Throughout his career he maintained a focus and dedication towards the sport as he believed in what he was doing. And that was, seizing an opportunity given him to play football.

 Having been Coach Mike Ditka's Personal Assistant during his final years at ESPN, even I was approached on topic of these archived articles and interviews. I do not respond to such inquiries. I also do not speak for him. At the age of 80, Coach Mike Ditka has proven that he can most certainly speak for himself. And he does so without wavering in his beliefs. I have also witnessed public posts on social media from individuals taking cheap shots at Mike Ditka covering various topics with regard to his life, his businesses, his investments, and his character. Knowing him, as many do, I reached my point of having enough negativity based on judgements from people who know nothing on what they were talking about. It was clear to those who know Mike Ditka that these people had a self-serving agenda to provoke a living legend with purpose to advance their own failing careers. It did not matter to them that he is a man trying to live his life quietly and charitably helping those he can.

 It was Jesse Watters of FOX News who was granted the Mike Ditka interview. The real interview. A current event. The silent majority in this country hopes this view point, which the Bear roared out, will put us back on track as a unified country. Stronger than before. A universal truth exists current day that we are all human beings exhausted from the obvious divide we exist in presently as we struggle through the unknowns of the Corona Virus in every corner of this world. A virus which holds no social or racial boundaries. This divide is somehow amplified by all types of agendas. In our own country this divide holds 2 very strong components. One being political the other being corporate.

 Corporate sponsorship dollars for sports like football used to be a low risk investment. Now many sporting events have seen a consistent decline in its fan base over the years as outside topics clutter our beloved game times. With social distancing, there are no fans in the stands for 2020. But yet we have seen TV news reporting, as well as written news articles, with photographs and footage of people gathered together in massive numbers across the country destroying businesses and historical statues as they protested. I did not see social distancing during these protests. Sometimes I did not see masks. What I did see was massive destruction and confusion. A chaos so powerful in its negativity leaving a small minority celebrating while a silent majority waited indoors hoping for the heroes in blue to rescue us from this civil unrest. Our country had 2 major issues hitting us simultaneously. And it hurt many American citizens. Domestic violence and sexual assault cases more than quadrupled, depression and suicide escalated, alcoholism and drug abuse rose, businesses still struggle to come back, and most disturbing to me, the children of America suffer in silence confused by what it is they see grown-ups doing in America. Children have yet to possess a vocabulary to define their emotions. Our children of America are now growing up in fear as they witness the lack of civility around them.

 In the early stages of the spread of the Corona Virus, we believed we would all survive this together. We had hopes that this would pass rather than linger. As American citizens, we find ourselves wanting to get back to work. Something most Americans take pride in. Their work. Their abilities. Their dreams. Their lives.

 Before the pandemic most of us worked hard all week maintaining daily rituals looking forward to a night or a weekend of watching a sport. For some, it was playing a sport. While others had weekends consisting of transporting children to practices and games. Sports offer a release from our stressful lives and obligations. It affords us a healthy balance of escaping the demands of life. And for some, it gives them something to fill their lives with due to perhaps an emptiness. For years, participating in a sport has taught children the importance of focus not chaos. The joy of being part of a team, win or lose, taught many how to work together.

 Yet over the years we have all witnessed political agendas being fed into the world of sports. This seemed odd to me from the very beginning as I reflected on the idea of the Olympics.

 The Olympics is a time for our global countries to set aside politics and compete honorably with a purpose geared towards playing sports. The Olympics has maintained a long standing tradition with only a few instances of political restrictions of a country's participation. There aren't any protests or political messages imposed upon these competitions once the Olympic Cauldron is lit. There are ceremonious displays of each country's flag as a triumphant Olympian wins a medal in their event. This is a ceremony proudly supported by the crowds of spectators. I remember Whitney Houston giving the performance of her lifetime singing "One Moment In Time" during the 1988 Olympics. If you haven't seen this video I highly recommend watching it listening intently to the words. Recognize the Olympic Cauldron in the beginning of the video from many years ago. Recognize the Olympic Cauldron of 1988 at the end. The Olympic Cauldron is symbolic of continuity. Something lost in American football. Understand that Olympians are playing their prospective sports as they represent their country displaying their flags no matter their race. The portrayal of commitment to their sport is proudly displayed and their flag is honored no matter if these Olympians win a medal or not. They are there. They have trained. They have focused. They have sacrificed. And they have committed simply because they chose to take the opportunity given them. Win or lose, over the years these athletes are willing to give it their all. These Olympians are the elite athletes. Ones we watch from our living rooms in awe every 4 years, perhaps 2 depending upon one's interest. Olympians. The best of the best. Role models for professional sports across the globe. And when America wins, that American flag, Old Glory, is displayed proudly. Americans watch as the chills take over only to be warmed with the pride which fills our hearts. Olympians are focused on their sport not their agendas outside of it.

 After the 'fake news' attempt this past week to present archived interviews and articles spanning 2 to 4 years ago as current news, the resting Bear, who is approaching 81 years of age, awoke from his well-earned peaceful existence agreeing to an appearance on Watters' World defending our country's flag and historical representation. He made it abundantly clear that he does not have issue with protesting, rather, Mike Ditka has issue with clouding the sport of football causing interruption of much needed discipline and focus to succeed at a sport played on a professional level. Outside issues do not belong on the field while in uniform representing a sport. Some do not know that professional sports figures sign their contracts agreeing to not protest while in uniform on a football field. Perhaps the language in these contracts has changed.

The attempt last week at slandering Coach Mike Ditka was dishonest as it held an intent at making a living football legend appear racist. He is not. He is a man who has lived a life of success resulting from straightforward commitment. This living legend, who gave his life to football as a player, assistant coach, head coach, and then commentator, has simply been living out his 4th quarter peacefully. Every step of the way in his life, with every task before him, Mike Ditka gives it his all with a focus like none other. He does so with a belief that nobody owes him anything. Injustices handed him throughout his years are not part of his dialogue. He is a man with a powerful forward motion believing in his abilities to rise. His speech from January 2017 as he accepted the 2016 Walter Camp Football Foundation "Distinguished American Award" is a speech which displays precisely that. He was more than honored to be recognized by an organization holding such strong tradition in the name of Walter Camp, the grandfather of football. I had the pleasure of witnessing him give this speech. And in true Mike Ditka fashion, he provided the audience with his self-descriptive of being a proud American. I fully comprehend this in his perspective because being an American is part of being a team no matter your race. I also believe when we, as a team, have a hole in the lineup we must fix it. Coach Ditka believes that too. Simply stated, he believes there is a time and a place for protesting. The sports fields, courts, and the sports arenas are not the protesting grounds to achieve results. Protestors may get attention but they won't get results. Not lasting ones anyway.

 Mike Ditka started his professional career as a tight end, a position which he changed. But to ask him about it you will hear a reply of humility. A reply of gratitude as he is consistent in stating "I had a quarterback who liked to throw the ball to me. When a quarterback throws you the football you're supposed to catch it. That's how the game is played." Mike Ditka played for the Chicago Bears, the Philadelphia Eagles, and the Dallas Cowboys. He then went on to be an assistant coach for the Dallas Cowboys under Tom Landry followed by his infamous head coaching career with the Chicago Bears which resulted in the 1985 Bears. The Super Bowl XX Champions. His coaching career ended with the New Orleans Saints. Mike Ditka held his head high returning to Chicago. A city he has poured his life into. Chicago is more than proud to claim him.

 Coach Mike Ditka is a no nonsense man. He was raised in Aliquippa, PA, a poor steel town during a time in our great country when opportunities were respected not expected. The population of Aliquippa was equally divided amongst races residing there. Many are surprised to learn that Tony Dorsett calls Aliquippa his hometown as well.

 During Mike Ditka's childhood, our military was proudly honored as was our country's flag. To this day men and women sacrifice their lives to serve in our military so that we can live as free Americans. His father was a marine and was gone lots during Mike Ditka’s early years. It was during this time his mother saw to it that her husband was honored and respected by the children they brought into this world. Even though the elder Mr. Ditka was overseas serving honorably as a U.S. Marine, a strong presence existed in that household without the elder Ditka there. This instilled a strong sense of patriotism in Mike Ditka and his siblings. He carried that definition of patriotism with him as he grew into manhood. To this day Mike Ditka sees this country of ours as the greatest country in the world. Full of opportunity awaiting its citizens to answer their call.

 As a survivor of a near 18 year domestically abusive marriage to a USNA graduate, I never took to the streets to protest. Not while I was a victim and not after I became free from abuse. Once I was free, I learned just how antiquated our court systems are with regard to topic of domestic violence and protecting victims. Children included. Therefore, I chose a route which I believed would result in actual societal change not attention. I had no desire to create a social divide on topic of domestic violence by shaming members of society, political figures or otherwise, for not stopping it. I spoke publicly for the first time before the Connecticut Legislative Session in March 2014 sharing a small portion of my story. I had 3 minutes to offer this testimony. This was the most nerve racking experience as I sat there uncontrollably shaking. Offering testimony turned out to be the most rewarding experience of my lifetime. Bill SB462 passed into law in the state of Connecticut quicker than I could exit the Connecticut LOB. Lawmakers heard my story clearly without violence, without protest, without smashing of storefront windows, or burning of the American flags displayed within the Legislative Office Building. Most importantly, I did not kneel before those American flags on display. I stood there with my hand on my heart pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States of America before the start of session. I was full of hope and willpower to make a difference not only for my children but for all children and victims of domestic violence. I was scared not angry. This is when I learned firsthand that courage stems from fear. It does not stem from strength.

 Surprisingly, I did not know much about football when I first met Mike Ditka. I later learned how Coach Mike Ditka offered his own Legislative testimony years prior. His was on a much greater scale before Congress as he fought for the rights of the football greats suffering from brain injuries as well as other physical injuries. These football greats were abandoned by an enormously growing football league reaping the financial benefits of these retired players while turning a blind eye to their obligation of helping their former players. These football players were not given millions of dollars as are the players of current day. They were simply given opportunity to play professionally at a fraction of the salaries offered present day. Mike Ditka started his career as a rookie getting paid $12,000 annually plus a $6,000 signing bonus. The 2nd year was a straight $18,000 annual salary. These football greats who shaped the game with respect did so focusing solely on the sport of football. Issues outside of football were handled effectively off the field. The irony amazes me. These physically broken retired football greats never kneeled before the flag even after being abandoned by the league they shaped into success. They maintained a focus at setting a few things straight for future players. This was their chosen sacrifice. Current day it pains me knowing they are watching politics infiltrate the sport.

 My hope is that during my children's lifetime we can get back to a country of unity. And that during our sports events, the ceremoniously display of our country's flag is done so before each game holding the symbolic tradition that as Americans we are free. And if it is true societal change we want rather than attention, there are effective ways of going about it all without ruining society. We have the ability to empower this country. The empowerment holds no social or racial boundaries if achieved properly.

As a tribute to Miss Houston, truly, "One Moment in Time" holds the power to unite us all.

As Martin Luther King Jr. said "Without peace there is no justice."

May GOD bless America.


From <https://www.dhirubhai.net/post/edit/6695495525069844480/

Douglas Forne

Dougvon’s Bodies In Balance

4 年

Trump and Ditka ????????????

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