?? Mike Becker Reveals the Puzzle Pieces to Email Promotions ??
We've all been struggling with the same industry pains:
?? Ridiculous online ad costs.
?? Online ads? A treacherous terrain.
?? Fierce competition? You bet.
?? Trust? Hard to come by.
Is there any hope? Absolutely. Enter: email.
Surprised? Don't be. Email's still the king, claiming number one in sales channels and bringing in 50-80% of total revenue. Affordable, user-friendly, and scalable? Check. The ROI? Astonishing. Safe, stable, predictable? You bet.
But here's the thing: Most companies fail at email marketing. Even the big players. The issue? They lack a consistent process for creating and testing new promotions.
Now, picture this: a foolproof system to plan, create, and launch a new email promotion every week. The fastest, easiest, and most reliable way to score sales and stay consistent.
Today, I'm pulling back the curtain on the first stage of this game-changing method.
Are you prepared for planning reader-first promotions that work?
? Promo Planning Framework:??
?? Step 1: Set the goal.
?? Step 2: Select the product.
?? Step 3: Identify the audience.
?? Step 4: Create your USP.
?? Step 5: Generate scarcity.
?? Step 6: Add bonuses.
?? Step 7: Present your offer.
The real reason most people struggle? No planning. They're unsure about what to write. Worry not! Just answer a few simple questions during promo planning, and you'll know what to do. It starts with the result you're aiming for:
?? Grow your list.
??? Encourage new customers to buy.
??? Increase their spending.
Each promo should produce a specific, planned result. Once you have that result in mind, work out answers to other questions, like which product to sell, who to sell it to, and what bonuses to offer.
?? Step 1: Nail down the goal.
Every move should propel key business metrics. Open rates and click-through rates matter, but it's all about sales, baby! Sales, cash flow, and profit keep your business alive.
Craving consistent cash flow? Fire off a broadcast promotion daily. It's the most reliable way to generate more sales.
Writing daily emails isn't groundbreaking. But most email copywriting gurus teach it vaguely. "Add value," "spin yarns," "be genuine," they'll preach. "Whip up an email in an hour and hit send," they'll boast. They might even toss you templates.
That might work short-term. But for long-term, rock-solid results? You need a strategy. Send an email every day, sure. But launching a new promo every week with a specific goal in mind? That's how you plan for results.
?? Step 2: Pick the product.
Got your result in mind? Time to choose a product to push. Create a "Sellable Assets" list – everything valuable you've got.
Don't just list stuff for sale. Freebies now? Maybe charge later.
?? Step 3: Zero in on the audience.
Determine your promo goal and product? Decide who gets the promo. Killer copy and offers won't save you if it's irrelevant to the recipient.
Forget "Customer Avatars." Seek specific lists or segments with criteria. Analyze any data you have, like purchase history or email openers, and target those most likely to buy your product. Send customized promos to multiple lists? Do it.
?? Step 4: Forge your USP.
Cold, hard fact: Competitors sell similar stuff. Your list subscribers? They're on those competitors' lists too. Be different, not just better.
Enter the unique selling proposition (USP). Focus on satisfying core desires, solving burning problems, and answering main objections. Make your USP simple, clear, memorable.
Secrets of crafting a killer USP:
?? Satisfy core desires – It's not about your product's uniqueness from your view. Target unmet needs in a fresh, distinct way (even if not unique).
?? Solve burning problems – Identify prospects' issues keeping them from satisfying core desires. Remember, it's their perspective, not yours (drop the hard work talk).
?? Answer main objections – Your product should be the solution, but address doubts and objections.
?? Step 5: Manufacture scarcity.
Recall scarcity? It's what makes broadcast promos so effective. Let's create it in your promotion.
Choose a scarcity mechanism:
?? Deadline – Set a time-based end date. People crave the unattainable.
?? Quantity – Limit products available. FOMO is real.
?? Exclusivity – Offer to qualified folks only. People want what others can't have.
The scarcity trick? Believability. Time-limited discounts, limited stock, or limited coaching spots – all believable. But if your audience stops believing, your promos tank.
For heaven's sake, use real scarcity, not fake. Don't wreck your list relationship by pretending an offer's ending when it's not.
??? Step 6: Toss in bonuses.
Decrease buying pain and increase the pain of NOT buying. Make prospects feel like fools for passing up your offer.
How? Bonuses. Test these strategies:
?? Bolt-On Strategy – Offer something that boosts the main product's results. Enhance, don't distract.
?? Bundle Strategy – Help buyers with other needs or potential issues after using the main product. Offer a free trial or bundle related products. Keep it relevant.
?? Buy One, Get One Strategy (BOGO) – Classic e-commerce. Transform discounts into bonus-focused offers. Play with variations.
??? Step 7: Lock it down with your offer.
Newsflash: People don't care about your greatness, your product, or why they should buy it. They care about themselves, their problems, desires, and needs. Don't just talk about a product; explain how it helps them, what it's worth, and the cost.
Enter the Offer. It's like, "Give me this, and I'll give you that." Fair trade? They'll bite. But they'd love an unfair trade in their favor.
When buyers think they're getting the better deal, your opportunity sells itself. That's the Value Proposition! Turn a regular product into an irresistible offer.
Complete your Value Proposition with:
?? Offer Summary: What SPECIFICALLY are they getting, bonuses included?
?? Offer Value: How much is it ACTUALLY worth (from their view)?
?? Offer Price: What do they need to do to get it? (And why is it a good deal?)
?? Urgency: Why act now? (Urgency comes from their life, not your scarcity mechanism.)
Compile everything in a promo planning doc. You'll need it later.
Wondering what to write in each email??
Hold your horses; we'll tackle that in the next article.?
Mike Becker
P.S. I get it – this might feel like a ton to take in.?
But hey, I'm here for you. Thoughts??
Questions about promo planning??
Want a ready-to-use promo planning doc? Hit me up!
P.P.S. Ready to learn everything about this system and take your email marketing to the next level??
Sign up for my upcoming seminar where I'll show you how to leverage ChatGPT, and you'll get the entire workshop on the whole email marketing system for FREE.?
That's over 10 hours of invaluable content! Plus, some of my best strategies, interviews, and resources.?
Don't miss out. Reserve your spot now!