The M.I.I. Human Optimization Plan
Joe Johnston
Helping speakers 2X lead flow & add $20K-$100K+/year through proven systems & processes | Helping speakers Predictably Scale their income & impact | Speaker Agent & Growth Consultant | DM for Speaking Biz Audit
In anticipation of our first book, which will be available soon on Amazon, entitled The M.I.I. Human Optimization Plan: 64 days of Motivational, Inspirational, and Informational Quotes, I thought it would be worthwhile to share with all of you what the M.I.I. Human Optimization Plan, and further, what our business, M.I.I. Professional Speaking, is all about. In a nutshell, the M.I.I. Human Optimization Plan is our four-step theory on human development or, as we call it, human optimization. The M.I.I. Human Optimization is the backbone of everything that we do at M.I.I. Professional Speaking. We are confident that through the successful implementation of this plan, you, your team, and your students will be able to take your personal and professional lives to the next level and be well on your way to achieving and truly constructing the life of your dreams.
There are four main components to the M.I.I. Human Optimization plan which we will outline within this article. The four components of the plan directly correlate to the four topics of our speaking programs at M.I.I. Professional Speaking and are as follows:
- The Secrets of Emotional Wellbeing
- How to Construct your Own Unique Identity
- The Key Aspects of Prosperous Social Networks
- The Principles of Successful Dream Pursuits
The first stage of the M.I.I. human optimization plan entitled “The Secrets of Emotional Wellbeing” is on suffering - emotional and mental suffering to be exact. To be more precise, the first stage of our theory on human optimization, is on the suffering and pain that all too many of us experience from our pasts, and the stories/narratives we tell ourselves about those pasts. This first, crucially important, stage can be described as follows: before we begin growing and progressing into the individuals we ultimately want to become in life, we must first acknowledge, recognize, and understand our personal demons and pasts as we then continue on to heal ourselves (mentally, emotionally, and psychologically), from those past demons and destructive personal narratives. Before we can move FORWARD in life, we must first take the adequate, often uncomfortable, yet extremely necessary time to examine and overcome our pasts. That is what we strive to do in the first stage of our theory on human optimization and our programs centered around “The Secrets of Emotional Wellbeing.”
Rising to prominence in the middle of the 20th century as the third leg of psychological inquiry on human behavior, humanistic psychology and the humanists, held the belief that much of human psychological suffering in life arises out of an incongruence between one’s real self and one’s ideal self. Our REAL selves are who we are TODAY, in this moment right here while our IDEAL selves, as the humanists proposed, are who we strive to BECOME. For example, if you are a banker (real self) and became a banker simply because you come from a long lineage of bankers, but deep down in your heart you truly know that you want to become a painter (ideal self), well then you’re probably going to feel pretty shitty about yourself on a day to day basis for consistently acting in opposition to your heart’s truest intentions, wishes, and desires. The second stage of the M.I.I. human optimization plan, entitled “How to Construct your Own Unique Identity,” focuses on closing this gap, between our real and ideal selves, as much as we possibly can so as to begin living more congruent, fulfilled, contented, and personally satisfying existences. We believe that only once we have dug deep and healed ourselves both mentally and emotionally of our pasts, can we begin to truly construct who it is that we are in life as individuals, what is that we truly want and desire, and what we truly believe in.
In Dr. Matthew Lieberman’s book entitled Social: Why our Brains are Wired to Connect, Dr. Lieberman illustrates just how vitally important it is for us to foster quality and meaningful relationships in our lives – ahhhh, yeah Joe, no duh. What Lieberman also illustrates however, is just how detrimental toxic, parasitic, and negative social relationships, networks, and friendships can be for our overall well-being. Thus is born the third leg of the M.I.I. human optimization plan entitled “The Key Aspects of Prosperous Social Networks” in which we focus on this concept: eliminate toxic social relationships and networks and replace them with more prosperous, fulfilling, and deep social ties. Once we have cleansed ourselves emotionally and have done the work necessary to construct our own unique identities, then can we start to examine our social relationships and networks. It is quite possible that after we have gone through the difficult first two steps of the human optimization plan, we will have a new perspective on our social relationships and networks. We will start to understand and have a better grasp on which relationships are serving us, which are draining us, and what types of social relationships, connections, and networks we want to ultimately seek and foster in our lives going forward.
For me, the last stage of the M.I.I. human optimization plan is easily the most exciting. The reason I love “The Principles of Successful Dream Pursuits” so much is because I truly believe that the pursuit and ultimate achievement of our loftiest personal and professional dreams in life is the ULTIMATE form of wealth in this existence. This is the culmination and realization of EVERYTHING we have dreamed up in life from a young age. From the family we would one day have and create, to the beautiful and intelligent spouse, to the amazing house(s) and car(s), to the fulfilling and prosperous career: whatever our loftiest personal and professional dreams are in life, this is the section, where we pursue, realize, and ultimately achieve those dreams. With that being said however, this section is the last in the human optimization plan for a reason. If we achieve our dreams in life but are still haunted by past traumas and demons, that isn’t the dream. If we achieve our dreams in life but have no idea who we truly are at our core as individuals, that isn’t the dream either. And of course, if we achieve our dreams in life but are surrounded by miserable, energy sucking friends and relationships, that is certainly not the dream. We must go through this human optimization in the order that it is laid out in the book and in our programs, in order to achieve and see any sort of real value from it in our lives.
So, there you have it. A very brief and quick summation of our first book entitled The M.I.I. Human Optimization Plan: 64 days of Motivational, Inspirational, and Informational Quotes. I am so excited to get this book out into the world and share all the work we have been doing at M.I.I. Professional Speaking with all of you. Please let us know how this book has impacted you via email at [email protected] and follow more of our work at or on Instagram @miiprofessionalspeaking. Keep working towards the highest versions of yourselves both personally and professionally and please do not hesitate to reach out should there be any way that the M.I.I. team could be of assistance to you!