MiHealth4All –  A Think & Act Tank for a Citizen Centric Health Ecosystem

MiHealth4All – A Think & Act Tank for a Citizen Centric Health Ecosystem

The Idea of Mihealth4All as a major driver to lead from health care to care for health was sketched in 2018 for the first time. Now a broader movement takes shape.Why?

The health systems are not sustainable. The expectations generated by scientific promises and politics – for some humans close to a new religion – cannot be fulfilled as long as nearly all our efforts - money and brain power – are invested into researching dis-eases. All based on thought models which need urgently to be revised and updated. The repair model and reductionist genetics worldview might fit selected tasks, but diversity as guiding principle and complex adaptive systems thought model will lead us into the future – to Care for Health.

?MiHealth4All is conceived as a platform to enable the individual to manage its own health as well as to guide and co-shape “Care for Health” for all scientifically and politically. ?What are the goals of MiHealth4All?

  • To provide thought leadership in science and society?
  • To create transparency for and foster communication between citizen, experts and politics
  • To Initiate, organize and?manage concrete projects like e.g. ?“I am unique” a?SelfRadar decision support solution enabling health from cradle to grave through understanding when and how uniqueness matter to advise the individual what to do to stay healthy or become healthy again. This means to adapt to a new system status appropriately in time. "In time diagnostics" – many diseases start with rather diffuse symptom spectra, early symptoms are not known today and pattern are not recognized e.g. rheumatology, endocrinological diseases (hyper- or hypoparathyroidism), autonomic and autoimmune diseases. People suffer for years before they might get help.
  • To pursue the goal to build a health ecosystem that foster understanding and acting – from citizen for citizen & experts
  • ?To give health autonomy and political influence to the citizens

?The focus will be on health instead of disease, move from snapshots to continuous, dynamic observations and insights with carefully, newly balanced roles for the individual, expert and politician/regulators. Politics is in demand to support the change by well thought new, updated frameworks. Industry will be strategically guided by the data, experience and insights made by individuals which are until now not available to develop new solutions at lesser cost. Effective co-creation processes will be developed.

?The change from Health Care to Care for Health will not be successful by betting on experts and their foresight that it is reasonable and profitable to adapt in time, only. They need support from all truly interested parties in Care for Health. These are mainly the citizen, humans - WE, who are all not only professionals but citizen, friends, mothers, fathers, caregivers.

How important it is to secure plurality and diversity in perspectives, to foster a new kind of dialogue for the best possible solution we could just learn through the pandemic. Global pandemic management was and is still dominated in many western democracies by purposeful creating fear, withdrawing basic rights, selective data reporting and selection of scientific experts who are allowed to speak for “ The Science”. The damage this management style has caused for trust in science is not yet fully recognized.

To build and renew trust as the indispensable ingredient for freedom and fairness in democracies and profitable business at least cost needs early involvement of ALL and the willingness to communicate in a transparent wording and language.


Dr. Evelyn Orbach-Yliruka的更多文章

