"Miguel Andre’s Digital Marketing Service"?: Brick-Marketing, No Matter What.

"Miguel Andre’s Digital Marketing Service": Brick-Marketing, No Matter What.

Miguel Andre’s Digital Marketing Service; Brick-Marketing, No matter what your "promotion mix" is as a company/business, there are certain elements that should remain consistent. In this day and digital marketing age, having a web presence is extremely important. Prime example, even if SEO, content marketing and social media aren't at the forefront of your campaign, they still need to be done because the more consistent you are over the long term, the better off your company will be, based on the necessary. Each company needs to come up with an overall business marketing strategy that is tailored to them while also taking into the account that certain things do need to remain consistent over all. You can't avoid that every company needs to have a well-developed online business presence.


Prime example, even if SEO, content marketing and social media aren't at the forefront of your business campaign, they still need to be done because the more consistent you are over the long term, the better off your company/business will be.

##What precisely do you mean by "content marketing"?

Specifically: If you say "content marketing" to mean publishing and publicizing blog posts and by-lined articles on one's website and elsewhere, then your point is not correct. My post contained a specific prime example of a restaurant that received a lot of publicity, links, social followers and sales through doing a publicity campaign that got a lot of media coverage. They have never published one piece of "content" anywhere. They don't even have a blog, conclusive proof of engaging in digital marketing, betters the average chance.

"Content" is always the answer partly because it's a cliched word that does communicate the specifics of a subject matter. All creatives and marketing and sales collateral are "content." Every page on a website is "content." All print and offline advertisements are "content." Every TV show is "content." "Content" is just that which communicates a message over a digital marketing channel. "Content" is the "Seinfeld" of marketing terms because it's a word about something. We need to be more precise to communicate exactly what we mean as directive to the subject matter.

You can't avoid that every company needs to have a well-developed online business presence.

With all due respect, I think you think that because you are the president of an SEO / linkbuilding / content / social agency. Your business depends on client thinking that way, so you can be objective. But as I mentioned in my restaurant prime example, I'd hire a creative publicist for a restaurant, or a "digital marketing service marketer" any day. Every business is different and needs different marketing and promotion mixes. Miguel Andre's, Digital Marketing Service; Between love and madness lies obsession, if you want to attract more clientele put them on your list. (706)290-4869 [email protected]


