Migration of the self
By Otatade Okojie

Migration of the self

Do what you love and put some elbow grease behind it. Today I had a funny day, someone unhappy with their own life tried to go for mine. Life is a funny thing, it's not here forever so while you have it leave a legacy behind.

The Whisper Of Dreams: By Otatade Okojie eBook : Okojie, Otatade : Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store

Do something you'll be proud of, something that makes you look in the mirror and say wow I did that? Me? I accomplished that? The human spirit is a healer, when you feel pain, destruction, exhaustion, over time self confidence begins to return. You will not be your former glory, you will be a greater version of you. The Whisper Of Dreams: By Otatade Okojie eBook : Okojie, Otatade : Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store

Believe in yourself and take bold strides for you are on a journey, that journey will lead you to a place of strength. You are migrating from a former self, to a self that has armoured steel. #writers#writingcommunity#creativewriters#poetry#art# Afzal Hussein Abhik Ghosh Acacia George Aemzo Planet B Studios Abbie Fincham Nordin Aoures Alon Shahak ALOUI Mohamed Taieb juan ramón alonso díaz- toledo Ali Abdur-Rahman Gandhali Atre Manasi Atre Rasana Atreya Atem Mbeboh Rachelle Atraktzi Anette Nicolaissen Aneeza Syed Aneesh Krishnan Anette Nicolaissen juan ramón alonso díaz- toledo Emmy Lovell ?? Long Nguyen Toni Lontis THE LONDON STYLE AGENCY London Nigerian Matthew Lomax Andrew Lownie Jin L. Conley Low Lowplex Books Lotanna E. Lottie Fyfe Karen Lotter Lottie Hunt

The Whisper Of Dreams: By Otatade Okojie eBook : Okojie, Otatade : Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store


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