Migration News Brief 06/09/23
The Latin America Working Group
Action at home for just policies abroad!
Global Exchange, June 6, 2023
“This week we’re raising awareness about the staggering impact of US-sourced firearms flowing into Mexico and why it demands our attention. Follow along as we share stories from victims and then? join us in advocating for stronger regulations. #StopUSArmsToMexico”
Global Exchange, YouTube, June 1, 2023
“The level of violence in Mexico is stunning and it’s largely fueled by the influx of arms from the United States. ‘How much responsibility, according to you, does the United States have on the crime in Mexico?’ ‘90%, and it’s not me, it’s the numbers. The numbers are clear.”
U.S. Enforcement
Lauren Sforza, The Hill, June 6, 2023
“The Florida Division of Emergency Management on Tuesday confirmed the state was behind recent migrant flights to California amid a growing feud between the Golden State’s Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and the Sunshine State’s Gov. Ron DeSantis (R). ‘From left-leaning mayors in El Paso, Texas, and Denver, Colorado, the relocation of those illegally crossing the United States border is not new,’ division spokesperson Alecia Collins said in a statement to The Hill. ‘But suddenly, when Florida sends illegal aliens to a sanctuary city, it’s false imprisonment and kidnapping.’”
Department of Homeland Security, June 6, 2023
“As a result of planning and execution—which combined stiffer consequences for unlawful entry with a historic expansion of lawful pathways and processes—unlawful entries between ports of entry along the Southwest Border have decreased by more than 70 percent since May 11. DHS has overseen significant expansions in lawful pathways even as we have repatriated a significant number of migrants.”
Efe, El Universal, 2 de junio de 2023
“En la segunda semana después de que se levantara el 11 de mayo pasado el Título 42, una norma sanitaria que permitía las devoluciones en caliente, EU vio un promedio diario de 3 mil 100 arrestos de personas que habían cruzado la frontera de manera irregular, de acuerdo con la información del DHS”.
Thomas Cartwright, Witness at the Border, May 2023
“Over the last 12 months, all under President Biden, there have been a likely 8,226 ICE Air flight legs as compared to 4,845 in 2020, a startling, unexpected, and disappointing increase of 3,381 (70%) over 2020 and up 2,102 (34%) over 2021. Of these flights, 1,385 were removal flights, an increase of 376 (37%) over the 1,009 in 2020, and 336 (32%) over 2021. Shuffle flights, including lateral flights and those just moving people in the US to and between detention/deportation centers were 4,971 over the last 12 months, a staggering increase of 2,746 (123%) over the 2,225 in 2020, and up 1,312 (36%) over 2021.”
Mexican Enforcement
Miguel Flores, Infobae, 6 de junio de 2023
“Por su parte, las autoridades mexicanas nada pudieron hacer para contener a los migrantes, quienes se fueron congregando en peque?os grupos para, posteriormente, lanzarse hasta el lado estadounidense”.
Rafael Romo, CNN, 20 May, 2023
“US migration policy today in many ways still depends on Mexico’s cooperation, as another immigration deal illustrates: Earlier this month, the White House announced that Mexico agreed to take back migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela beginning on May 12, the day after Title 42 ended. The agreement marks the first time the US will deport non-Mexicans back across the border.”
Root Causes
Jennifer Finney Boylan, The Washington Post, June 6, 2023
“Given that the conservatives who most enthusiastically celebrate the availability and abundance of guns in this country are also the people who seem to be most angered by the flood of refugees arriving daily at our border, it’s urgent that they — that all of us — begin to understand the way these issues are all part of a vicious circle.”
Pablo Ferri, El País, 6 de junio de 2023
“El video de una cámara de seguridad muestra un nuevo caso de malos tratos contra cinco civiles en Nuevo Laredo, además de su aparente asesinato, a manos de militares. La secuencia, recogida el 18 de mayo, muestra cómo los militares sacan a los civiles de una camioneta. Algunos de los civiles portan armas. Los soldados les desarman, los patean y luego los colocan junto a un muro. Minutos más tarde, en un momento un tanto extra?o, los militares parecen refugiarse de algo y, mientras, disparan contra los civiles. Todos mueren en el acto menos uno, que fallece después en el hospital”.
Dave Graham, Reuters, June 6, 2023
“Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, one of the leading contenders to be the country's next leader, said on Tuesday he will resign to focus on winning the presidential nomination of the ruling party for the 2024 election. Ebrard, a former mayor of Mexico City, wants to succeed President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador as the standard-bearer of the leftist National Regeneration Movement (MORENA), which now dominates national politics.”
Enrique Gómez, El Universal, 6 de junio de 2023
“El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador se?aló que la frontera sur de México, por decreto, es una zona libre de impuestos, similar a la norte, en la que no se pagan impuestos por los productos que se adquieren”.
Oscar Lopez and Mary Beth Sheridan, The Washington Post, June 3, 2023
“Pegasus spyware was detected in the phone of Camilo Vicente Ovalle, according to the forensic analysis by Citizen Lab, a digital research center at the University of Toronto. Vicente Ovalle, who coordinates the work of the truth commission, had received an email in December from Apple warning he might have been targeted by ‘state-sponsored attackers.’”
John Lindsey-Poland, Stop US Arms to Mexico, June 3, 2023
“Congress banning assault rifles and assault pistols would make a significant impact on public safety in the United States, in Mexico, and throughout Central America. Proposed assault weapons bans – H.R. 698, sponsored by Rep. David Cicilline, and S.R.25, sponsored by Sen. Dianne Feinstein – would also ban high-capacity magazines and .50 caliber sniper rifles, as well as the importation of these classes of weapons into the United States.”
Emiliano Rodríguez Mega, The New York Times, June 2, 2023
“The search for seven missing employees of a call center led Mexican authorities to a gruesome discovery earlier this week, when at least 45 trash bags with several human remains were recovered from the bottom of a ravine on the outskirts of Guadalajara, in the state of Jalisco.”
Mari Crúz Chajón Ramírez, Epicentro, 7 de junio de 2023
“El colectivo #NoNosCallaránGT, UDEFEGUA y la Red Rompe El Miedo GT emitieron un comunicado conjunto en el? que evidencia que las acciones del Ministerio Público (MP) confirman la persecución penal arbitraria contra la libertad de expresión. Recordaron que el Articulo 35 de la Constitución Política de la República de Guatemala establece que ?NO constituyen delito o falta las publicaciones que contengan denuncias, críticas o imputaciones contra funcionarios o empleados públicos por actos efectuados en el ejercicio de sus cargos?”.
Peter Welch, United States Senate, June 6, 2023
“Senator Peter Welch (D-VT) issued a statement today calling for free and fair elections and an end to corruption and impunity in Guatemala. Guatemala has long been plagued by corrupt elites who have abused their authority to remain in power and avoid accountability. The presidential election on June 25th offers an opportunity for the Guatemalan people to forge a new path and reject the criminality that defined the tenure of outgoing president Alejandro Giammattei and many of his predecessors.”
Sonia Pérez D., ABC News, June 5, 2023
“Candidates to be Guatemala’s next president are taking a cue from the leader of neighboring El Salvador and promising their voters they will build mega-prisons and hammer criminal gangs into submission. The formula of Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele has become well-known to citizens across Latin America, and the tough-talking, Bitcoin-loving leader enjoys approval ratings the envy of any world leader — even a year after suspending key rights to wage war against his country’s gangs.”
Helen Montoya, InSight Crime, June 5, 2023
“The state of exception in Honduras has now been in place for six months. But contrary to government claims and National Police figures, the policy has done little to reduce criminal activity in the country.”
Adam Isacson, Ana Lucia Verduzco, and Maureen Meyer, WOLA, June 2, 2023
“As everywhere along the migration route, numbers of international migrants passing through the country are up, as the land route from South America has opened up since 2021. Many U.S.-bound migrants are from other continents. To reflect this new reality, humanitarian aid providers call on international and national funding to be more consistent and reliable.”
Adam Isacson, Ana Lucia Verduzco y Maureen Meyer, WOLA, 2 de junio de 2023
“Como sucede a lo largo de la ruta migratoria, el número de personas migrantes internacionales que pasan por el país ha aumentado, ya que la ruta terrestre desde Sudamérica se ha abierto desde 2021. Muchas de las personas migrantes que llegan a Estados Unidos vienen de otros continentes. Para reflejar esta nueva realidad, varias organizaciones de ayuda humanitaria piden que la financiación internacional y nacional sea más coherente y fiable”.
OACNUDH, May 12 2023
“La Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos en Honduras (OACNUDH) condena los asesinatos del defensor tolupán de la tierra y el territorio, Amilcar Vieda y de otra persona de nombre Naún Ismael Chacón, ocurridos el 09 de mayo cuando personas desconocidas les dispararon con arma de fuego para posteriormente prender fuego a sus cuerpos. Estos hechos tuvieron lugar en las Brisas, una de las comunidades donde se ubica la tribu tolupán San Francisco de Locomapa, en el municipio de Yoro, Departamento de Yoro”.
El Salvador
David Morales, Cristosal Videos, YouTube, 6 de junio de 2023
“Hemos encontrado que esta política del régimen de decepción es una estrategia que está basada en detenciones arbitrarias masivas, en detenciones sin una causa legal, sin orden judicial, con violencia y con allanamientos ilegales y detrás de estas detenciones las personas entran a una condición de privación de libertad con tratos crueles, inhumanos y degradantes generalizado y prácticas sistemáticas de la tortura”.
Alejandra Sandoval, Cristosal, June 2, 2023
“The investigation revealed that the deaths which occurred in state custody were the result of torture and serious and systematic injuries inflicted on the detainees. Photos showed and the IML had documented signs of asphyxiation, fractures, numerous contusions, lacerations and even puncture wounds on the bodies. Nearly half of those who died in prisons were victims of what were classified as confirmed, possible or suspected violent deaths. Nearly one-fifth of these deaths were caused by conditions indicating deliberate negligence in the provision of health care, medicine and food, including deaths caused by malnutrition.”
María Mónica Monsalve S., El País, 7 de junio de 2023
“Se concentró en las partículas PM2.5 que deja el humo de los incendios a medida que el aire lo mueve; son partículas tan finas que solo alcanzan las 2,5 micras de diámetro y que son hasta veinte veces más peque?as que el diámetro de un cabello. Por entrar más rápido a los pulmones, esquivando las varias barreras que tiene el cuerpo para protegernos, la exposición a estas partículas está relacionada a muertes prematuras y enfermedades respiratorias. También se han asociado a problemas cardiovasculares, cáncer, disfunciones metabólicas, afectación en la salud mental y una pérdida en los días que una persona puede trabajar”.
Natalie Southwick, Americas Quarterly, June 5, 2023
“Forensic analysis has confirmed the use of Pegasus, a tool licensed to government agencies that enables full remote access to a target’s device, to target journalists and civil society in three Latin American countries: Mexico, El Salvador and, most recently, the Dominican Republic.”
Carla Solmirano, Americas Quarterly, May 15, 2023
“Illegal weapons in the region come from several sources. At the end of the civil wars in El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua, thousands of weapons were left unaccounted for, fueling a black market in Central America. Most analysts agree that a major source of trafficked weapons to the region is the United States, in particular to Mexico.”
Gender and LGBTQ+
Presentes, 6 de junio de 2023
“En 2022, 87 personas LGBTI+ fueron asesinadas en México y más de la mitad de las víctimas fueron mujeres trans. En comparación con el a?o anterior, hubo un incremento del 11.5% de acuerdo al último informe Los rastros de la violencia por prejuicio, violencia letal y no letal en México, 2022 elaborado por la organización Letra S”.
Rodolfo Flores, Cuarto Poder, 5 de junio de 2023
“Sergio Morales, integrante de la Red por la Inclusión de la Diversidad Sexual, expuso que la población LGBT en situación de movilidad requiere de apoyo especial por estar en una situación mayor de vulnerabilidad”.
Vianey Arana, Diario Cambio, 4 de junio de 2023
“María José Flores, presidenta del Colectivo Organizador de la marcha del Orgullo LGBT en Puebla, comentó que Puebla es el estado con mayor discriminación al movimiento a nivel nacional, esto con motivo a la próxima marcha de visibilización de la comunidad LGBT”.
María Teresa Hernández, Los Angeles Times, 20 de mayo de 2023
“Sin una legislación que permita a los hombres y mujeres transgénero modificar sus documentos oficiales en El Salvador, la comunidad enfrenta violencia y discriminación que afectan su vida cotidiana”.
Efe, La Opinión, 17 de mayo de 2023
“Las minorías sexuales padecieron 305 hechos violentos motivados por el odio de 2019 a 2022, incluyendo asesinatos, desapariciones, atentados a la vida y suicidios, según el Observatorio Nacional de Crímenes de Odio contra Personas LGBTI+ en México. Tan solo en 2022, el Observatorio documentó 22 desapariciones y 62 casos de asesinatos, atentados, y suicidios, con la mayoría de las víctimas como personas de entre 25 y 29 a?os, mujeres trans y hombres homosexuales. Pero de cada caso documentado hay otros tres que no se contabilizan, expone Ximena Manríquez, coordinadora del Observatorio, iniciativa de la Fundación Arcoíris”.
Actions, Alerts, and Resources?
World Refugee Day, June 20, 2023
“June 20th is World Refugee Day, an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the courage of those around the world who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict and persecution. It is also a critical time to join in collective action and advocacy in support of refugees and asylum seekers, including those who have resettled in the U.S, who are seeking protection at the border, and who remain overseas.”
Guatemala Human Rights Commission, June 16, 2023
“Next week, we will be hosting a webinar on Friday, 16 afternoon from 3-4 pm EST. Join us to hear from our Guatemala Director Isabel Solis and learn about the latest developments in the presidential race and ways you can to support defenders in this time of peril. To RSVP, fill out this form or email [email protected].”
Susan Corke, Southern Poverty Law Center, June 06, 2023
“In 2022, the hard-right movement mobilized hate and extremism from the mainstream to the main street. Extremist actors — often armed — brought hatred into our daily lives and public spaces, protesting LGBTQ inclusion, reproductive rights and classroom discussions of systemic racism.”
HRC Staff, Human Rights Campaign, June 6, 2023
“Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) — the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) civil rights organization — officially declared a state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people in the United States for the first time in its more than 40-year history, following an unprecedented and dangerous spike in anti-LGBTQ+ legislative assaults sweeping state houses this year.”
Immigrant Heritage Month, June 2023
“Every June, Immigrant Heritage Month (IHM), powered by the I Stand With Immigrants initiative, provides people across the United States an opportunity to explore their own heritage, and #CelebrateImmigrants and the diversity that forms the unique American experience. Through digital activations, events, and nationwide partnerships, we celebrate the contributions that immigrants have made and continue to make, to our nation. IHM is also an opportunity to echo the theme of justice by highlighting human stories that touch on the importance of updating our broken immigration system.”
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1 个月In the management of illegal persons, they have now put the same measure for both those who are worthwhile and those who are a burden, this will end faster than they think and then what? The biggest problem is not the immigration policy, the real problem should be analyzed, why is the USA falling behind economically and technologically compared to China? The USA is bellicose, because it wants to impose states that respond to the USA and American values, to control companies that have energy resources in other countries. In this it has wasted $ 300 billion in military spending to subdue countries that sought to get out of the hegemony of the USA. China, for its part, is investing in railroads, infrastructure, intercontinental and transoceanic bullet trains, 6G technology, robotic intelligence, universities, hospitals, ports, buildings and high-speed trains instead of using them in military expenses. How many kilometers of high-speed trains has the USA built on its territory? $300 billion has been wasted on military spending If they had taken $300 billion to install infrastructure, robots, public health in the US, we would have high-speed transoceanic bullet trains, migration would not be a big problem. Think about it.