Migrate your existing content to Enable Now
SAP’s Enable Now product has proven to be the most robust tool in the training development marketplace. It offers unmatched capabilities for training content development, learning collaboration and support. Many firms are making the choice to transition from their existing tools like uPerform and UPK to this advanced technology. In most cases these organizations have invested years, countless hours and significant dollars developing custom content to educate and support their employees. The final decision to transition often comes down to these critical questions.
1. Will we be able to leverage our existing content?
2. Is there an automated option to migrate my existing content seamlessly into Enable Now?
UAG has developed a fast, simple and cost effective solution to migrate your existing content to Enable Now making the decision much easier and fiscally responsible. We analyze your existing material in order to define scope and our process is secure, validated and extremely quick. In most cases our start to finish time is less than 5 business days. If you are interested in learning more please visit our website at www.upkconverter.com or feel free to contact us at: 215-357-1620.