MIGRANTS-- Social Experimentation – Realpolitik Calculation …huge future Implications
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.?
Ancient wisdom the result of proven experience more than just some quaint verse from the Bible can summarize this entire complex Migrant-“Open Borders Question”.
My best intention constantly pursues an objective Open Mindedness
You basically must earn my mistrust.
I listen to things at face value and let the individual’s motivation do the rest.
President Biden on January 20, 2021 Inauguration Day
said: In His Plea For Unity – More Perfect Union Address
…the American story depends not on any one of us, not on some of us, but on all of us, on we the people who seek a more perfect union.
?We'll press forward ….with much to repair, much to restore, much to heal, much to build, and much to gain.
I was delighted with his words and hopefully we collectively could lower the temperature and reverse the division in American Society
These proved to be but a hollow political gesture,
..as Team Biden knew admonishing the dark enemies within (Trumpians) was excellent realpolitik that kept the cash coming into the campaign coffers and his base constantly on edge about some vast Right Wing existential threat
Team Biden has accomplished ?this with superlative excellence!!
Yet even to clever folks like them…. both God and Nature has its own plan
If you have even a simple cut on your body, that you pick and poke, prod and press…it will become ulcerated and if you continue.. it could become a malignant entity – foreign to your health body.
I tell my children all the time – there is only life and death / sickness and health ….God Does Not Like Ugly – Seek the Good – the Blessings will chase you
What has transpired during three plus years of Team Biden efforts are serious psychological conditions in the “mindsets” of the majority of our Countrymen/women
Let’s start from ground zero
Team Biden worked this less than attractive aspect of the American Persona
….a Deepening Xenophobia that has only become far more pervasive
It is far easier for me to tell you about the small group that is openly objectively inclusive than to waste time describing the various forms of hatred….its mind blowing –very disappointing !!
Currently in so many places in our nation…just speaking with an accent instantly triggers a reaction – a diminishing of the individual to a lower devalued state
Forget speaking a foreign language – just the accent –something that was an accepted part of our daily lives for the pervious one hundred fifty years
#1- Intense American Xenophobia
Team Biden within the narrative of the Woke Revolution has fostered a revisionist American Civilization that in many circumstances is not factual.
What is most disturbing is the calcification of racial relations in this nation.
Two completely separated Narrative Stories proceeding diametrically in the opposite directions.
Yet the worse element …more than healing the breach – it has become much easier to remove all of the other side out of your life
…across a wide spectrum of demographics –the “other” no longer exist
We avoid then.. stay away when we see them …turn the channel
They do not exist in our world
#2- Fractured Racial Relations
Into this mix comes millions of innocent people fleeing persecution …seeking a better life for them and their families
No different than what all of our own ancestors did
Yes—my ancestors faced discrimination but the society collectively operated on a much more civilized level than today
..and as the industry – contribution of these hard working people slowly educated the discriminators – a growing acceptance – respect grew!
No one thought back in the day that these waves of immigrants were all criminals- people without a soul- chattel of worthlessness – or a threat to society.
Somehow, we have collectively forgotten our own past…which is but a part of the lower standards and endemic unwellness in the American Psyche
These “migrants” are but useful ponds in a huge political calculation as they are seeded across the fruited plain of the Great Republic
The vile antagonism daily spouted from FOX and NEWSMAX has further deepened the bitterness towards these people
It is completely irrational to believe that all of these people are evil and that not even one has some redeemable quality or their children maybe the one that will create in America the next huge leap forward that will benefit the nation
#3- Misunderstanding of Immigrants Intentions
While I’m not a conspiracy buff …there is hidden much larger dynamic at play
a, Changing the demographic/ political mix in certain states
b, Economic benefit in Labor from massive unskilled resources.
c, Improving the Collective Demographic of a rapidly Aging America that is beneficial to programs like Social Security- MEDICARE ?
There is an aspect of Social Engineering in play …Something that these elitists passionately belief in –for they know more and better than most of us
#4- Social Engineering Component
It is nearly impossible to get an accurate number of how many migrants have come in these last three years.
The majority are all from the Hispanic Culture of Central & South America
I don’t disrespect them but – dialog whenever I come in contact
One fact is obvious – these are social conservatives – many deeply religious people – the product of rich traditional cultures
Their harrowing journey here …many believe was protected by nothing less than divine intervention.
If you would take off your blinders – you would discover heartfelt individuals
The wisest entity in this entire story has been the American Catholic Church.
The dumbest has been the Woke Left whose agenda – especially in gender dysphoria is a complete non-starter – a form of mental illness to them
Most migrants I’ve spoken with don’t send their children to public school and are the beneficiary of scholarships to non-public schools for precisely that reason
A critical piece is how assimilated their children will be in American Culture
Yet –tradition dies hard when you live in a bilingual society that daily reinforces your societal perspective
#5- Socially Conservative Cultures
One thing categorizes this Hispanic Demographic – super work ethic – excellent quality – entrepreneurial enthusiasm – Big Dream Vision
One of the other misconceptions in the American Psyche – these migrants are low-level thinkers of limited awareness – here for a free ride.
They are wizards in technology – global communication with networks that were the prime mover in their successful arrival on our shores.
As they merge further with the long-term residents- build their small businesses – educate their children and establish new communities the bloom is off the rose for Progressives as their values are not congruent with your agenda.
For the hapless GOP mired in their Culture Wars --deeply invested in their prejudice –daily listening to misinformation that is harmful to your wellbeing
… opening your minds and hearts may just provide a critical new voter block
So many pieces in the board here to calculate the outcome
For Team Biden their efforts more than ensconcing Democratic Hegemony for the next fifty years could be actually the Rainbow Broadening Coalition of the New GOP National Base
One thing for sure –our misperception of each other devalues the Perfect Union –which is the Spirit of America
Time for you to reconsider the entire dynamic
Asking yourself – How Can I Help Improve the Situation?
..for we all are need collectively together to create this Perfect Union
..A House Divided Cannot Stand!