Migrants - Messengers of Love and a Conduit for Light

Migrants - Messengers of Love and a Conduit for Light

In this article, I am going to shed some light on why we must awaken our hearts and look at migrants as messengers of love and conduits for more light and why the migration crisis experienced globally is an alarm that is ringing so loudly that no longer can afford to pretend or ignore our involvement in creating it.

The failure of humanity to handle the recent refugees crisis, terror attacks, and eliminate poverty is echoing in the universe a strong message that shows us how far we have gone technologically but how lonely we have become in our hearts.

Syrian and many other refugee crises, as well as the increase in terrorist attacks around the globe, are awakening those parts of our inner being that we have disowned, forgotten about, and are at the root cause of the destruction we experience in our outer reality.

Daily, our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and values, consciously or subconsciously, are projected in the collective consciousness contributing towards the world problems we love to judge, fear, and are isolated from. Whether we acknowledge it or not, the truth is that we are all participating in co-creating the reality in which we find ourselves, both the good and the bad.

What happens is that most people accept the good; the reality that works is in their favour and supports their highest values. Still, if that is perceived as "bad", is not in their favour and challenges their highest values, they disown it and comfort themselves by judging others.

Thus, our collective thoughts, beliefs, and actions cause the migration effects we see in the headlines around the world.?The deeper we look within ourselves, the faster we can come to the solution and the root cause of a very talked-about issue faced by millions of people who are forcibly pushed to leave their homes and loved ones. Everything they know to seek safety and give themselves and their loved ones a chance at a better life.

At some point in history, every nation faced forced migration caused by two powerful forces, push and pull. I recently watched a program that put together people from all walks of life and was asked to do a DNA test that traced their ethnic origins — the results that followed shocked every participant. Those charged against Muslim people had a percentage of Muslim heritage, those who had aggression against people of colour had a portion of their DNA in themselves, and those who hated migrants also found out that their ancestors came from different parts of the world.

What changed for all participants was their initial attitudes, their behaviours towards those they disliked, and how, after the DNA test, they would perceive every person they encountered in their daily life.

I believe it’s time for us to awaken the truth, the one that unites us all in our hearts. Acknowledge that we are one global consciousness, that our planet is not as a selection of small fragments called countries, but a home to us all capable to nurture billions of children. Nature has no way of creating countries, nationalities, or religious boundaries, we are part of nature, so why do we?

Nowadays, it is time for us to rethink our old ways of being, functioning, and doing business. Change how we operate beyond the artificial borders created by those very few individuals driven by power, control, and influence in the world so that we can create free opportunities, relationships, and partnerships worldwide. It is time for humanity to acknowledge the universal laws that govern all life and the intelligence embedded in every human being as a necessity for the survival of our species as we go through the following stages of our evolution.

To resolve the migrant crisis, we must acknowledge the benefits of our collective actions that create the conditions for migration to happen. We must openly share how our economies benefit from the wars started in the homes of the migrants we love to blame, shame, and treat as criminals. In doing so, many will awaken from living a one-sided illusion that migration is bad for their country, economy, and livelihood.

We all know that in every coin, there are two sides, but what seems to happen when adversity hits us is that we tend to forget that in every life situation, there are also two sides, the good and the bad. One side of any life situation (coin) is heavily masked from people's awareness due to skewed media coverage, perceptions, lies and beliefs. This wrong way of observing every situation creates a mass fear we witnessed in the American, Syrian, Afghanistan, Iraq, Former Yugoslavia, Ukraine, and many other world refugee crises.

At the age of nineteen, I was forced to leave my birth country due to the civil war atrocities in the Former Yugoslavia. It was not my choice; it was not what I and many millions of people who lost their lives to fight our brothers, neighbours, and people we grew up with. It is a well-known historical fact of the failures of world politicians and the United Nations during the Bosnian crisis. We must never repeat those mistakes and ensure the sanctity of human life.

Twenty-six years ago, on the 20th of Sep 1990, I landed at Heathrow airport legally as a teenage victim of war, an aspiring student, and a fearful immigrant with no home to go to. I had no money; I could barely speak English, and I only had a rucksack with my high school diploma, 200 Deutsche Marks my mother borrowed to save my life, and a few clothes that, in a rush, my mum put together.

Since that day, many things have changed; I went on ever ending emotional roller coaster and worked extremely hard to heal my traumas and wounds, cope with what happened, and get my life back on track. I have experienced the good and the bad of being a migrant in the UK. I was equally accepted and rejected by the many people I encountered, from government institutions, recruitment agencies, and employers, to people I socialised with. To describe the entire journey as a refugee, asylum seeker, and migrant in the UK, the struggles with the Home Office, and the physical, mental, and spiritual pain suffered. The rejections, comments, and bullying I endured required me to write a book devoted to this journey.

While going through this pain, I also was supported by some fantastic people that helped me on my journey to obtain my Engineering Degree in Management Studies from one of the top universities in the UK, University College London. Those hardships also were the inspiration I needed to climb the corporate ladder as an IT professional successfully, and having forcefully been made redundant during the 2008/2009 financial crisis; I started the entrepreneurial journey that led to me writing many award-winning and Amazon best-selling books A Path to Wisdom, #Loneliness, The Unfakeable Code?, and A Path to Excellence.

Having worked as a sole trader and trying to make ends meet, in 2015, I grew my business to such a level that it inspired me to take the following steps and set up my own company, TJS Cognition Ltd.

This private research, education, service and the value-driven company is dedicated to exploring & expanding the frontiers of human awareness and potential.

They say from greatest pain we give rise to our greatest creation. I now wake up daily feeling inspired to fulfil my heart driven mission to touch, change, and inspire the lives of one Billion People. To inspire men and women of all nationalities, creeds and colours to become purposeful and disciplined masters of themselves and dedicated and inspired leaders, teachers, and healers of others. Through education, training, nurturing, and the right environment they build spiritual, mental, professional, financial, familial, social and physical awareness, and thus may more effectively and efficiently serve humanity by exemplifying elevated human potential.

Without ever receiving welfare or government support, I worked through every personal, professional, health, financial, and spiritual challenge to be where I am today. Imagine what could be possible if every refugee, asylum seeker, migrant, child, and an adult were supported to heal their traumas, pains, and health challenges? If we helped those less fortunate to have access to a new education that expands their true potential, and if we saw those we fear as our messengers of light? What would our society look like?

Many have asked me how I went from living homeless in the streets of London to becoming a successful entrepreneur building a seven-figure coaching, speaking, and training business. It inspired me to write the books and make them available on Amazon, local bookstores, libraries, or on Kindle, iTunes and audible so people who don't like reading physical books can download them digitally and take them everywhere.?

In the Amazon Best-selling book A Path to Wisdom, I share the journey to create TJS Evolutionary Method that I use to help my clients accelerate their growth. In the internationally award-winning book #Loneliness, I share how the loneliness I felt deep inside as I faced every life adversity in the UK is what also gave me the strength to do something to change my life. The message that #Loneliness is echoing to the world is one of a connected heart, a global call for humanity to redefine themselves amid life's most significant challenges. It is a roadmap for those who live in pain, shame, and guilt and are isolated to find their way to more connected, inspired, and love-infused lives.

Looking back at my life, I knew then that there was no way I would go back to a country where daily I was subjected to the sounds of snipers who were murdering innocent people just because they were of different ethnic origins or religious beliefs. I lived many years on drinking Red Bull, eating toast and beans, and when budget permitted, I would buy eggs, cheese, yoghurt and sometimes fresh fruit and veg. I had to work over 16 hours a day every day for me to pay for my living, full-time education, and personal hygiene costs.

No matter what challenge came my way I told myself "no excuses", work hard, be of service to everyone you encounter, and find ways to add value to the people that challenged me and the country that became my new home and what I back then I thought a temporary home.

Through every general election, immigration has always been a scorching topic. The media seems biased towards the wrong side of immigrants and immigration. It does not fully acknowledge their contribution to the UK's economy and how migrants fill the skills gap and cater to the ageing population.

Over and over again, I have seen how, through every major USA, EU, and UK election, including the Brexit vote, politicians, tabloids of major newspapers, and some TV stations use migration and migrants as a powerful tool that can quickly manipulate peoples perceptions to win votes and make people make fear-based decisions that influence a desired predetermined outcome.

As a proud British citizen, a refugee, a migrant, and a humanist, I believe that we have the skills, knowledge, and ability to be significant players in shaping and leading the EU. Together we can create a much stronger bond, opportunities, and a partnership with our European counterparts and the world that, in the long term, will serve us all the better at so many different levels. I believe in our ability to activate the switch that turns on the light that lives in every human being.

What I see with many people who either favour or fear migrants and want tighter border controls is that they operate either from fear that comes from a strong push force or the trust created through a pull force. Or, the most vulnerable people are used as scapegoats for failed policies and holding on to power.

Those who look outwardly for a solution to their problems see migrants as a pull force, as people who come to take their jobs, to drain to what I later found out to be a "below average" social welfare system, and are the cause for our housing and health care crises.

On the other hand, those who look inwardly for a solution to their lives problems see migrants as a push force that sends us messengers of love and light who are born through the hardship, the pain, and the destruction caused by war, and an effect of our collective choices.

People who see migrants through the eyes of a compassionate and grateful heart, do not feel threatened by refugees, asylum seekers, or migrants whose homes, economies and lives are threatened to such extent, that they will choose to risk all they have to reach the borders of a safe country in which they can rebuild their lives and secure the future of their children.

With the proper support, nurturing, environment, and education, refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants can become leaders, scientists, authors, and the positive contribution needed to create a more just, socially diverse, and culturally integrated thriving society.

It is time for us all to take ownership of our minds, thoughts, and beliefs that create a negative view towards migrants, the EU, and many of humanity's global crises.

The solution is not pointing out a finger towards migrants or blame migration; the solution is for us as a collective consciousness to move towards starting to ask a new set of question.

If we are going to tackle the root cause of the migration crisis and come up with a sustainable solution, I can assure you that pulling out of the EU will not do it, nor will our skewed beliefs, perceptions and attitudes.

What if, as a society, we saw migrants as messengers of love and as conduits for more light? Imagine the shifts we can co-create if we change how we look at migration crises and migrants in the UK and the world. What positive shifts could we generate if we moved away from seeing migrants as a dark force threatening our livelihoods and national identity and embracing them as our teachers and a light that shines our path??

Migration has positive and negative effects on every layer of our society. What we must remember also is that what we give our focus on is what creates the reality in which we either blame migrants for the problems we create or we praise them for their contribution and embrace their gifts. If the latter is accurate, we nurture them, accept them, educate them, and teach them the skills we need to enrich everyone's life experience. Helping refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants shine their true light can inspire the rest of society to take positive action.

An Oxford Economics research study published by the Department of Employment and Learning (DEL) concluded that migrant workers had helped maintain an adequate labour supply to fuel the 2004–2008 economic boom. The availability of migrant labour seems to have made the difference between some businesses surviving, or in the case of food processing, not needing to relocate production abroad.

Migration also has the potential to bring people together culturally. Still, friction occurs if efforts are not made to dispel the myths held by people who do not see the complete picture of the cause and the effects of migration. It is also essential for the government, media, and migrant support organisations to provide accurate information about the migrant's positive contribution to society, role models, entrepreneurs, and leaders such as our Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.

Where economic preconditions exist, migration is inevitable. When people try to prevent immigration, it goes underground, creating even more significant problems that eventually get out of control, which we can see with the Syrian, Iraqi, and Ukranian refugee crises.

Comprehensive immigration reform is needed, though not at the price of human life. While we continue to ignore what we as a collective consciousness create we will not be able to achieve a sustainable solution for the ongoing migration crisis that is only going to continue to grow in the foreseeable future.

We are great at talking, but we as a society need to do more to walk the talk. We all are beings of love and light until we learn to see everyone as such. We will be imprisoned in the illusions created by our disempowered states of awareness and the lower mind and be controlled by unfounded fear.?

Thank you for your time in reading this article. If it inspired you, leave your valuable comments and suggestions. Please share it with your friends, family, migrant groups, policymakers, government leaders, and those who may like to invite me to speak to inspire their audience with my migrant story.

Love and Wisdom,

Tony J. Selimi - Living Your Life in Peace is Priceless!

Yonason Goldson - The Ethics Ninja

Professional Speaker and Advisor | Award-Winning Podcast Host | Hitchhiking Rabbi | Vistage Speaker | Create a culture of ethics that earns trust, sparks initiative, and limits liability

1 年

Your passion and altruistic vision are inspiring, Tony. There's no doubt that we have the capacity to allot our resources in a way that provides relief and solace to oppressed and displaced people around the world. What's more, as you say, since many of us descend from refugees, we have a moral imperative to pay it forward to the best of our ability. But the magnitude of the problem and the limitations of our current reality cannot be ignored. Many, perhaps most immigrants are motivated to become responsible members of their new society. But many others don't share that commitment, and often they choose to remain insulated, even at odds, with their new hosts. Until we structure a system that allocates appropriate resources and designs reliable safeguards, admitting immigrants unchecked and unvetted can and has led to tension, discord, and violence. There's no question that we can and should do better. It's the job of leadership to tone down the rhetoric and the posturing, then figure out how to make that happen.

Tony Selimi

Life Strategist & Business Growth Coaching Expert with Two Decades of Experience??Strategic Leadership Development & Transformation Advisor to Boards/C-Suites/Teams??Keynote & TEDx Speaker??AI??TV/Radio/Podcast Guest

8 年

Thank you Adam Channel for your contribution and light you bring into this world. It's inevitable the paths of the darkest night to reach the gifts of the brightest light.



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