Do you suffer from endless throbbing headaches or migraines?
It is proven that massage therapy can help reduce the symptoms of migraines. Migraines (in most cases) derive from long term stress, trauma or head injuries, which could lead to impaired vision if not treated properly or in time.
It is therefore important to identify when you do suffer from migraines (day / night) and where the migraine occurs – frontal lobe, or more towards the back of the neck.
Your symptoms are of key relevance here, as you need to know how severe the migraine is when it hits you. Do you feel nauseous, are you sensitive to light, and what other symptoms do you suffer from during this episode?
The "frequentness" of the migraine also plays a vital role in determining where and why you suffer from migraines.
Believe it or not, but a decent massage would relieve the symptoms of migraines when done in conjunction with regular visits to your general practitioner. By focusing on the trigger points and working alongside the symptoms, cause and effect will eventually alleviate he migraines in its totality.
The secret here is to know when, how and where to treat the symptom in order to get to the root of the problem. This in return will relieve the symptoms (patient dependent).
For bookings / consultations please feel free to contact me on any of the following avenues:
Chris Heunis
The Healing Hands Group
Clinical / Holistical Massage Therapist
Beauty | Health | Wellness | Fitness | Coaching
Mobile No: 084 767 2913
Email : [email protected]
Bookings: https://prohealing.booksy.net
Website: https://handshealing.wix.com/healinghands