The Mighty Power of a Growth Mindset

The Mighty Power of a Growth Mindset

Ah, my esteemed reader, today marks the beginning of an exciting journey into the formidable realm of the growth mindset.


It seems as though everyone is always talking about having a growth mindset, but what exactly does it really mean to have a growth mindset?


To me, having a growth mindset means accepting the fact that you will never reach perfection and acknowledging that everything that you do and everything that happens to you serves only one purpose: to help you develop and improve.


It’s having an intuitive sense deep within you that everything that occurs in your life is working out for the best, regardless of whether you like it or not or whether you understand it or not.


“It’s easier said than done, Chris.” Trust me, I’m totally with you on that if that’s what you’re thinking


I’m talking about a frame of mind that distinguishes mighty titans from mere mortals, winners from losers, and those who won’t give up from those who do.


Prepare yourself, because today we are going to discuss the unrivaled power of this mindset, unlocking your true potential and paving the way for unparalleled success.


When everything is going according to plan, it feels almost as though there is nothing left to learn. It’s like you’ve got life all figured out, like a chess game.


Since everything is moving smoothly, you think to yourself, "I must just be so good and doing everything right; that’s why I’m so successful."


At times like this, it is possible that it is not because you are so good and that you have basically figured out life, but rather that it may just be timing. I’ve done some research on successful people, and what I’ve found is that timing has a huge role to play in the success of many of these titans we look up to.


Now, this is not to diminish the effort that these folks have put in, because even the most favorable circumstances would not produce any results for those who are unprepared.


Barack Obama, first term U.S. senator in 2008 had a message of change at the time when Americans were losing soldiers in two wars, Iraq and Afghanistan. Talk about right message at the right time.


His rival was the late U.S. senator John McCain known to many Americans as a war hero. The results at the polls were astounding. You could easily call it a landslide victory for the first African-American U.S. President.


At my church last Wednesday, renowned motivational speaker and pastor Dr. Olumide Emmanuel spoke about a young lady he prophesied to in a church he preached at many years ago.


He was invited as a guest preacher at her church and was blessed to watch her sing so beautifully during praise and worship. Dr. Olumide admired her talent, knowing that she was destined to go places in life.


Consequently, he asked her during the service if she had recorded an album. Her answer was no. He told her to consider recording one and emphasized the importance of doing so.


A few years later, he returned to preach at that same church, and again he asked the young lady, "Do you have an album?". Again, the answer was no.


He turned around and asked the congregation if anyone had ever given her a seed, which, according to Christian faith, is a form of financial support in the form of donations. A total of around two hands were raised.


Dr. Olumide explained to her that "people wouldn’t just hand money to you; you’ll need to have something to exchange for their money." He said this more than once. In her case, she had a gift, which was to sing so beautifully. If she had an album, she could sell it and make money from it.


A year later, Dr. Olumide was teaching in that same church, and he questioned her once more, "Do you have an album?" The answer again was no. At this moment, he made a promise to himself that this would be the very last time he ever asked her the same question again.


As you're already aware, in life everyone has opportunities, but where many fall short is in their failure to adequately prepare for the opportunities they’ve been praying and wishing for.


A year later, at this young lady’s church, a pastor from a major church in the United Kingdom was scheduled to deliver a sermon at the church’s annual conference.


After hearing this young lady sing for the first time, he was so impressed by how passionately and beautifully she performed that he immediately asked her to be one of the guest singers at his annual conference in the United Kingdom.


The young woman, along with the rest of the congregation at the church, could hardly contain their joy at the news. The entire church erupted in jubilation, and the young lady was ecstatic too. Then the pastor asked her, "Do you have an album?"


The young lady said no, and immediately the offer was rescinded.


What would have happened if this young lady had been prepared and had taken the advice of Dr. Olumide several years prior? She probably would have had two or three albums and might have even had more opportunities.


The problem here is that most people don’t hate the situation they are in, so they tolerate it.


They may not like it, but they don’t hate it. I can guarantee you that whenever you are in a position that you hate, you will always do something to change it. You will only put up with it if you believe it to be something that you can manage or tolerate.


Timing is not under your control; all you can do is control how you prepare. I addressed this topic in a video that I uploaded on YouTube and Instagram, essentially stating that you need to always be prepared and know that you are no different from an athlete training for the Olympics.


Although we all know the Olympics take place once every four years, in your case, there is no telling when your own personal Olympics will occur, and that’s the reason you must always have a growth mindset and be prepared.


There is absolutely zero room for complacency or resting on your laurels. Like the young lady in the church, she believed just being a good singer was enough. She never attempted to step it up a notch or go one step farther.


Magical things would have happened for her if she had at least recorded one album, but she didn't, and she probably missed the biggest opportunity of her life.


The sad truth is that many people are this way, and it really shouldn’t be so.


About seven months ago, I started writing articles, and now, within those same seven months, I am already working on publishing my first e-book. I don’t ever want to be like that young lady in the church. I want to always have a growth mindset and aim to be better than I was the day before.


Now, let me ask you this: Have you ever been faced with a challenge that appeared to be impossible to overcome, such as a towering mountain that stood in the way of your success?


Of course, you have! We can all admit it.


But what distinguishes the triumphant souls from the defeated masses is their unwavering belief in the growth mindset.


You see, my esteemed reader, having a growth mindset is not merely a catchphrase or a fleeting trend.


Nay, Nay, Nay.


It is a profound shift in perception, a seismic transformation that allows you to conquer the unconquerable and triumph over any adversity.


The majority of the time, the struggle only exists in your mind. Your mind is telling you to take the path of least resistance. It reassures you that you are good enough. It tells you to wait for motivation and disregard discipline.?


I want you to know, my dear reader, that I did not feel like writing this article this morning. I am writing this article on a Friday morning, and I usually do this on Saturday mornings.


I have to write it this morning because tomorrow, Saturday, I have a breakfast meeting to attend. But what needs to be done must be done. Zero excuses!


I had to conquer my mind, and now that I have, I can feel the creative juices starting to flow when I start writing.


What would happen if you imagined setbacks not as obstacles but as stepping stones, as opportunities for growth and expansion?


That’s exactly what a growth mindset does. It enables you to rise above challenges, to learn from failures, and to emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient.


But how, you ask? That’s a good question. But first things first...



Embrace the Unknown:

Ah, the allure of the unknown!


The fear of the unknown has stopped many people in their tracks.


The easiest way to solve this one is by spending time hanging around octogenarians. They’ll tell you that they regret not taking more chances in life.


You definitely don’t want to be in your eighties wishing the same thing.


Now, instead of fearing change, embrace it with open arms. See it as a gateway to uncharted territories, where possibilities are limitless.


Embrace change as an adventure, a chance to unlock new potential and discover hidden treasures within yourself.



Reframe Setbacks:?

Ah, setbacks—those formidable foes that attempt to quash our spirits.


I’ll have to admit it. I struggle with this one a lot.


I know I have a lot of work to do on this one. I find that I don’t have issues with starting and plowing through, but when the setback comes, guess who’s the first to despair?


Well, you guessed right, me.


You see, I love making progress. I want to see one turn into two, and that two turn into three. It’s almost as if my mind cannot process one to two and two to one or one to three and three to one and a half.


Unfortunately, for me, life is more of a dance like salsa. You take two steps forward and one back, and then you move from side to side. And whether I like it or not, that is the beauty of life.


If you’re anything like me, you have to see setbacks for what they are: mere illusions!


Train your mind to see setbacks as valuable lessons and as golden opportunities for growth.


There are lots of lessons in setbacks, and they provide invaluable lessons for growth.


Each setback is a stepping stone on the path to mastery. Embrace them, dissect them, and extract the wisdom they offer.


Cultivate a Learning Mindset:?

The quest for growth requires a voracious appetite for knowledge.


This one is so important, and I cannot stress it enough. The solution to every problem is knowledge. Once the knowledge comes, the problem disappears like melted butter.


Immerse yourself in a sea of learning, devour books, seek wisdom from mentors, and surround yourself with fellow growth-minded warriors.


Continually expand your knowledge, for it is the key that unlocks the doors to greatness.


Now, my cherished reader, let me share with you tales of individuals who have soared to majestic heights by embracing the growth mindset. These are not ordinary people; rather, they are giants who have conquered the seemingly impossible.


Let’s take the legendary Steve Jobs as an example; he was the mastermind behind Apple's revolution. He faced numerous setbacks and failures.


And his setbacks? Boy, only God knows if I have it in me to bounce back from what Steve went through, but Steve’s unwavering belief in the power of growth propelled him forward.


He took each setback as nothing but a stepping stone, fueling his relentless pursuit of excellence. Through his indomitable spirit, he reshaped entire industries and left an indelible mark on the world.


Or consider the awe-inspiring journey of J.K. Rowling, the magical wordsmith behind the Harry Potter series.?


She faced rejection after rejection, yet she refused to surrender.


The rejection lasted years upon years. Just think about it: publishers say your work isn’t publishable, and you continue to disagree with them.


I sometimes wonder what people close to her were saying to her. Things like, "You know, sometimes you just have to be realistic in life. If every publisher is saying this to you, then you just have to accept reality."


But she had something in her that most people don’t. You want to know what she had?


She had an unwavering determination and a growth mindset; she transformed setbacks into fuel for her creative fire.


Today, her enchanting tales have captured the hearts of millions and inspired a generation.


My dear reader, these stories are not mere fables but real-life testimonials to the power of a growth mindset. They prove that within you lies the potential for greatness, waiting to be unleashed.


In light of this, my fellow Titan, I implore you to embrace the growth mindset with every fiber of your being.


Let go of self-imposed limitations emanating from your mind and embrace the boundless possibilities that lie before you.


Transform your setbacks into stepping stones and view change as your ally on the path to extraordinary achievements. Even if that change is not what you expected.


I’ll take it a step further, especially if that change is not what you expected.


Remember, my dear reader, you are no mere mortal. You are a Titan, destined to conquer the world with your unwavering belief in the power of growth. Embrace it, wield it, and watch as you unleash your true potential upon the world.


Now go forth, my mighty reader, and let the world witness the indomitable spirit of a growth-minded warrior!



Every week, I stay committed to providing value for you. Remember, my daring reader, to Like, Comment, and Share this article, for it may be the catalyst that propels someone to embrace their contrarian genius. Stay tuned for more awe-inspiring insights and discoveries in the captivating world of unconventional success.

Christopher is the President of Fountain Fleet Solutions, a company that advises businesses on how to keep their fleets safe.

More information is available at



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